Thank you seasick. You seem to know alot about gradys. Any idea on replacing the aluminum cap on the transom?
First you need to ask two questions: Is there an existing immediate issue and secondly if not is there a potential for near term issue to develop. For example, is the existing cap corroding in a fashion that water would seep under it and potentially wet the coring. In the first case, is water getting into the coring and if so to what extent is the coring 'damaged'.
If the transom is dry and the cap has minimal erosion around the edges, the best maintenance plan is to remove old sealant and re caulk with something like Life Caulk.
Removing the cap is somewhat of a big deal since the motor has to be unbolted and lifted up to get to the plate for removal.
I am not a fan of glassing over the transom top edge. Epoxy is brittle and transoms flex especially if some local delamination has occurred.
If a cap (bang plate as others call it) needs replacement, I suggest aluminum and not stainless. An aluminum engine bracket on an aluminum cap plate is a better combo in my eyes to aluminum on stainless.
In summary, check your cap and transom for serious issues and act accordingly. That said, don't create a bigger job than necessary if at all. In the transom case an ounce of prevention is worth a lot more than a pound of cure