
Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
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just wondering who uses ring free , and is it every fill up, couple times a year, etc.....? :hmm
Use it all the time. I love it, too. Most definitely worth the ugly price. Get super fast start ups in my 2-smoker OX-66. Also makes for a great cologne when you splash some on your face to go out for the evening. Seriously, I wouldn't run without it.
After a few years, I pulled my O2 sensor to clean it (should really be done on a more regular basis). I took the "breather tube" - or whatever it's called that looks like a little dumbbell - in to the local dealer to make sure I got the right gaskets and see if there was an updated tube. I showed it to the parts guy and he looked at me funny... then asked if I had already cleaned it. I said "That's how it came out - no, haven't cleaned it". He looked at me funny again, as if he didn't believe me. Then he asked if I used RingFree. I said "all the time". He said "Well, that explains it. Most guys around here don't use it and that O2 sensor and tube get totally gunked up. We're usually cleaning them a couple times a year for every one".

That solidified it for me.
use it every fill up
I drink ring free instead of coffee for breakfast! ;-)

I use it at every fill up. I recommend it. If you have a weak Constitution though drinking it may not be for you.
Use it on every fill up. Just ordered some from Amazon for $50.00 per 32 ounce bottle stuff is liquid gold.
Me too.

I add it every fill up at a rate of one ounce per ten gallons of gas (as described in the mixing instructions).
Over 900 hours of use and all is well. Expensive stuff but if you buy it by the case at Domo, it's less bad cost wise. Ask any Yamaha Mechanic - the stuff really works.
I too use it and use it religiously. DOMO-ONLINE is the best place to buy it. If you don't need 6 bottles at a time, find another GG'er or a friend and split the case with him. That's what I do.
Parthery said:
I too use it and use it religiously. DOMO-ONLINE is the best place to buy it. If you don't need 6 bottles at a time, find another GG'er or a friend and split the case with him. That's what I do.
One other thing: In my humble opinion, it is a product that works so well that I don't see you could think about running a 2-stroke without it. When you take out your spark plugs, you will be amazed that there is absolutely no carbon on them.
I used it on my 1990 250 Yami at every fill and its still going strong with over 1800 hrs.
Wonder if people use RingFree on the newer 4 stroke engines? Looking to buy a 2005 or newer grady and wonder if the extra expense is worth it on a 4 banger?