Robalo vs. Grady White

pilot house

Those pilot houses are sure catching on in popularity especially in the cooler parts of the globe.....might be a wise decision to offer some type of pilot house for the 336, that would make the boat even more of a sale item in the northern states. As you said Seaswirl has the 29 and so does edgewater, I'd really like to see a pilot house in a 30+ ft boat.....sorry for going off in different direction then what this area was about...but just my 2cents
TunaT - I think Proline has a similar setup too, as an option.

I'm not big on closed back Pilots like Parker, too confined inside door open or closed, the open backs with canvas added is for me and a nice tall ceiling for my 6ft1in.
Roll it up teh back canvas when you go out, and open the side or front glass windows as desired!
Clear glass view three to see out of.

Like the big Steiger. I may be meeting Al Steiger in about 4 years since I'm done with plastic windows (and at that time maybe gas outboards too)!
And I was in the Seaswirl at the NY Show, nice in there.

The 23 Proline was a little tight though.
yep Bob, your stem to stern LOA is indeed the same as a 282. As I mentioned, the running surface IS different.

As to the ideal boat, I haven't seen the new Conquest yet. The Pursuit 315 had the nicest front and side enclosure I have seen. It looked like a 10 footer could break over the bow and just wash off. Sitting at the helm and looking out the windshield reminded me of the wheelhouses on those Alaskan crab boats on a smaller scale. Pursuit is the clear leader in the windshield/hardtop design.

I don't know much about Zukes as I am a big Yamaha fan but 600 HP would be PERFECT on the GW 30' hulls. I cannot imagine why ANYONE would want a detuned Yammie 350 at 800 lbs so the zukes are the only real option for twin 300s (I'm not even counting the 300Z with it's awful rep).

I am very curious to see how GW responds with their long popular 300 and the new 305. Several new DIRECT competitors were unveiled this year from Southport, BW, Pursuit, Regulator, Scout. I really feel they will need to step up with some few features and redesign to keep the 300/305 competitive. When it is time for a new Megabytes in a few years I will be very interested to see how the field looks. :wink:
pilot house

bobp...I agree with you, I don't like the parker setup at all...Edgewater's is nice a clean, but they need to do away with that table in the front, I'm spolied not having to "step up" onto the casting platform, grady's walk thru has sold me time and time again on that setup. I also know where you coming at only a couple inches over 6' and I must admit too heavy, I need room to roam...of course this is just my wish on the perfect boat...I get tired of looking thru plastic that is scratched or fogged up, etc...but the things one must put up with at times to enjoy fishing. Of course if we were Bill Gates rich, we could have it made for us.....its nice to dream
pilot house

jehines3...watching the back ground actually...I'm more of a center console fisherman, I perfer the space as open as possible...Your Marlin change was interesting, but I've had a cabin boat and got rid of it as it wasn't for me or my style of fishing...I'm in the ocean 95+% of the time and down in the cabin is a bad place to be when your rolling and rolling...I do alot of drift power just rolling with the waves. All I really want is a "little pilot house made around the center console, enough room so 3 or 4 can get in out of the weather and maybe a marine head. I use the beds to throw stuff on rods, tackle, etc...really not good use of the space for me. While we are on the subject, I might as well beg I perfer canvas type, so it can be easily removed for when the weather is good, fixed is ok, but being as flexible as possible is important to me...I have 5 pieces of plastic now I use... 3 around the CC and 2 wings which I can move from gunnels to in back of the leaning post, which helps greatly....I'm sure someone has a better solution...My wife always has an answer and hers is if its that cold or rough then stay home, but come on whats life without a little bit of challenge...move over rover