rub rail


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2018
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265 express.Over the years{and banging a few docks)rubrail is faded and discolored.Has anyone tried painting the rail? If so how did it work out and what did you use?Thanks
265 express.Over the years{and banging a few docks)rubrail is faded and discolored.Has anyone tried painting the rail? If so how did it work out and what did you use?Thanks
Try wiping down with acetone. Will clean it up nicely. Be careful not to get the residue on the hull. Works well. Good luck.
Try wiping down with acetone. Will clean it up nicely. Be careful not to get the residue on the hull. Works well. Good luck.
Ditto on the acetone. Here are a few tips I've learned over time.

Scrub the rail with boat soap and rinse well with water. Make sure the rail is 100% dry before using the acetone.
Clean small sections of rail with a soft rag and acetone making sure to use a clean section of the rag as the one you are using gets dirty. If you don't use a clean rag, the acetone will reapply the gunk back on the rub rail.
Sit back and say to yourself, Gee I didn't know the rub rail was that color!

You can use polish or sealants on the rub rail to extend its new shine. I use Mop and Glow floor treatment. Regardless of hat you use, The life of the shine depends very much on your conditions, particularly the sunlight strength
265 express.Over the years{and banging a few docks)rubrail is faded and discolored.Has anyone tried painting the rail? If so how did it work out and what did you use?Thanks
I use Cerakote Ceramic trim coat kit, they are wipes. Two wipes do all rub rails very happy with results
In the past I have used acetone and finished off with Marine Penetrol (SP?). Worked well gave the rub rail a nice shine. I'd suggest trying the Penetrol on a small out of the way spot first.
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I was literally just looking at ways to do this on my 265 the other day as well. Read what other people have posted here, use acetone.