Runaway Boat Crash

Everything gets caught on video now days. That sure is a waste of a nice boat. Glad the passengers were OK.

If it were my video however, I might have edited out the cheering when it hit the jetty.
I agree. I almost turned it off before it hit the rocks. Not sure how 2 people got thrown out in 1' chop. Just illustrates the need to wear your kill switch.
It was actually three people who were thrown out while the boat was running 30 mph. Which seems a little fishy to me.... How can three people be thrown out of a boat at one time?? One has to be holding the wheel and standing behind the console. Plus the seas this whole weekend here in S. Florida were 2 ft or less. Very Unusual!! The main thing is that no one was injured or killed!!
Potterbuilt said:
It was actually three people who were thrown out while the boat was running 30 mph. Which seems a little fishy to me.... How can three people be thrown out of a boat at one time?? One has to be holding the wheel and standing behind the console. Plus the seas this whole weekend here in S. Florida were 2 ft or less. Very Unusual!! The main thing is that no one was injured or killed!!

Maybe an insurance job to get out from under the boat payment?
That is what I was thinking too!! But any insurance company who sees the boat and possibly the video will throw the claim out.[/quote]
"A large swell knocked them overboard.."??

All three???

All at once??

I say all is not as it seems....
How does a sweel knock the captain overboard on that boat, I have riden on a bunch of 25 contenders, even a 5-7 ft wave out of nowhere won't toss the captain overboard, I could see maybe one passenger. Something surely sounds fishy hear...either they were being careless and messing around or something else happened. Most guys don't wear the kill switch, but they should, if you donl;t like it which I know I don't, get an auto tether, great product and it isnt bulky and will shut the boat off as soon as your a few ft away and in the water preventing this from happening.

Those guys were nuts swimming to that boat with the engine still running at high rpm....if a blade sheared off hitting a rock they were dead...I would have waited for officials to deal with it, my life isnlt worth it to be cool and swim to the boat. Just glad those guys didn;t get the bright idea to jump to the boat, should not be done by civilians, and not in a fiberglass boat, you need a rib to do it incase the boat turns a little, ribs have some flex in the hull side and can absord an impact, would just damage the chase boat or better yet hurt the guy jumping if he missed or fell between the boats.