Runnung Wire / Bow To Helm


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2009
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2007 Marlin >> Has anyone run any wiring from the bow (anchor locker) to the helm ?? I tried unsuccessfully to run and electrician's "fish" thru on the starboard side. .. I ran it starting just under the "walk" .. but where it went from there ??????
I do not think Grady ran a rigging tube forward of the helm . Has anyone done this. ?
Have you looked in the manual? I believe locations of rigging tubes are listed there - at least that way you'd know for sure if there was/wasn't one.
yes i looked ... no tubes shown in the manual .. Many tubes running aft but none I can see running forward.. A visual inspection shows 2 looms, one port and one starboard screwed into the inside of the deck/cabin running aft. I tried to run a fish along side those tubes but I was unable to find where it was going .. the "noise " of the fish did not yield a determinable position . I have a request into Grady, maybe they have an Idea.

I want to mount a spotlight on the pulpit, rather than on the hard top . I had a previous earlier model Marlin and the glare from the hard top mounted spot light was annoying. I wound up making a pulpit-like platform sandwiched between the light and the hardtop to block some of the glare. I would say it was about a 70% improvement ... That is my back up plan ... OR !!! a Spot light with a wireless type of remote .. ( GoLight) ..Has anyone had some experience with these wireless remote spotlights ?? I have read reviews both good and BAD !!
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Is there a fixture up forward, like a nav light, a windlass, or a cabin light, that is close to where you want to run the wire? If so, have someone hold the wires at each fixture, while you tug on the wires in the loom on the other end. If you find one that is retrievable, tie a pull cord to it, pull it back, and them pull it and the new wires forward. You may be able to get another pull cord in the deal. They sell a wire lube in Lowes, which will make it easier to pull. (And more fun :wink: )
I agree - on a hardtop is almost useless. It needs to be all the way forward. GoLights... I though the wireless ones still had a long cord that needed to be plugged into a 12V outlet? I looked at one years ago and it felt cheap to me. Not sure if they've changed.

I tried looking on Grady's site at pictures of the cabin of your Marlin to see what items could be removed, but the pictures weren't that great. For example... on my Sea Ray Sundancer, which I installed a windlass, I was able to remove the backrest of the v-berth (took all of about 10 minutes once you knew where the screws were... hidden in pleats) and go through the anchor locker wall. I was able to get behind the head "pod" (stbd side) -- between the head pod and the hull -- pretty easily and then to the dash.
I can grab 12 vdc at the bow .. I can use the line side of the windlass. I am trying to fish a line to pull the control cable to the loom .. There are wires that go that way but they are so secured and in a loom that pulling on them has no effect. Still waiting on Grady ! I can't believe they did not install a rigging tube forward of the helm.. Has anyone installed an Anchor windlass ??? If so how did you run the wires.. I have a nice ACR light that I would like to use. I just think it would be a better choice than the GoLight.. I could be wrong about that .
Got an e-mail from Grady telling me to remove the rigging box near the helm footrest and try to go in that way ... going to give it a try .
I would think the best side is starboard. If you take screws out and pull back the headliner where it meets the starboard side wall, you should be able to run wires. Another option is to run a small diameter tube from the water heater and down the vbirth starboard side. You could mount this inside the storage compartment down under the head floor or side wall and up into the wiring panel. Alternatively you could pull wires and neatly stake. Personally I'd do it on the hardtop and use a joystick. I did that and it works fine.
What did you do to reduce the glare off the bow with your hardtop mounted light ?
If you haven’t finished yet, use fiberglass fish tape. My new to me 2000 Marlin had 10 gauge wire to windlass, just fished #4 to windlass from port side.
I mounted 2 LED floods under the pulpit, in addition to on the hardtop. Used a (off/1 on/both on) switch. I can turn on just the pulpit lights. lights up markers. No light on forecastle to blind you.

Friday night ran 2 hours in the dark at 25 mph. Couldn't have done it without these lights.
Sorry, but the only "headlights" that belong on a boat are the ones in the head (or bathroom, if you prefer).

Having any lights on that impede the ability of another vessel in seeing your proper navigation lights is prohibited. BRIEF, intermittent use of a light to check a navaid (e.g. unlit daymark) is acceptable.

Flame away.
ocnslr said:
Sorry, but the only "headlights" that belong on a boat are the ones in the head (or bathroom, if you prefer).

Having any lights on that impede the ability of another vessel in seeing your proper navigation lights is prohibited. BRIEF, intermittent use of a light to check a navaid (e.g. unlit daymark) is acceptable.

Flame away.

I agree fully. That's why the Coast Guard has the regulations they do for all around nav lights.
I got a flir see in the night well, lights from other boats kill your night vision