Sailfish 282 2008 - bow thruster installation


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Hi All,

I am located in Australia and am about to take ownership of a Sailfish. I have previously owned a 2007 Marlin 300 that had a Sidepower SE40 bow thruster installed.

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to install a bow thruster in this model Sailfish? I am assuming the local boats would have the same water heater located under the V-Berth. Any pictures of an installation would be appreciated.

Also wanting some feedback on what the standard steering setup would be for the sailfish. Once again our Marlin had power assist steering whereas the Sailfish has a single hydraulic ram.

Many thanks.
A Bow Thruster on a Sailfish is just not worth the expense and trouble IMHO.
Just use your twin outboards' throttles to spin the boat on it's axis and take your time when docking.

If you get confused while doing that, just remember that the THROTTLE HANDLES will always tell you which way the boat will turn...the throttle in FORWARD is always which way the Bow will go, and the throttle in REVERSE is always which way the stern will go.

Example: with the Starboard throttle in Forward and the Port throttle in Reverse, the HANDLE on the Starboard Throttle will be pointing LEFT and the HANDLE on the Port will be pointing RIGHT.
That is exactly how the boat will spin, the BOW will spin to the LEFT and the STERN will be spinning to the RIGHT. (counterclockwise)

If the throttles are reversed with the Stbd in reverse and the Port in fwd, the boat will spin clockwise, same way the HANDLES are pointing.
Thrusters are nice to have on any size boat if you can afford the cost, particularly on windy days or when the cross currents are against you. Additionally, it is impossibly to spin a 28' outboard powered boat on its axis. The distance between propellers is not great enough. Airation defeats the thrust production of both props.It can be done on larger sprortfisherman with inboard shaft to prop, sure, but the distance between the props is what allows it.
G'day Fido and welcome. Where will you keep your Sailfish? Is your slip on a river with high current or something? I'd suggest you just use it for a year and then decide if you really need a bow thruster. (Won't your mates tease you if you get one? :)

My experience is that my Sailfish won't spin on it's axis very well unless there is no current and no wind; however, I find I have a lot of control using just one outboard at a time but the correct one. I.e, when trying to back up to port, use the starboard outboard and visa versa. They have to be tilted up a bit first to increase the prop wash effect which acts like paddle wheel pushing the stern to one side or the other. If it is very windy I'll take down the side curtains before docking but on a lighter wind I don't bother. If took me a while to get the hang of it but now I'm pretty comfortable.

Hey guys,

Thanks for the responses. The boat is moored in the water in a Seapen (this negates the need to anti foul the hull). There is moderate current and moderate windage at all times and turning is quite tight. This will be the fourth boat in the last ten years with twin outboards and I firmly agree with Captain Swag's statement about spinning a boat with twin motors. The previous two boats have had bow thrusters at 25feet and 30feet. Just a luxury I am happy to invest in again and definitely not worried about using it around other boaters!!! I have actually found the bow thruster very useful when spinning the boat whilst hooked up to Marlin that are changing direction.

If anybody with a Sailfish has any photos or experience with an installation some feedback would be appreciated. If I don't hear back I will post some pics of my own as the unit will likely go in next week or week after.
