Sailfish 282 Instructions to run cable to cabin stereo


GreatGrady Captain
Aug 23, 2011
Reaction score
Bass River, Cape Cod, MA
First the back story I wanted to install my sirius radio antenna on the hardtop and not on the deck as the factory does. It seemed to be a bad place to do it and subject to more abuse. So the next step was how do I get the wire to the hard top and this took a while to figure out. No one else here had described it that I could find. The good news is you will not have to rip the whole cabin apart and it is not as hard as it could be.

First you need to gain access to 4 panels the one at the helm with the 110 volt outlet on it. The one in the head. The one in the aft bunk starboard side. The anchor locker.

Get a good plastic fish tape. Metal will be hard use and scratch the boat. I had a great 100' ideal one that can be bought at HD. Get some string to pull through and leave a spare behind when you pull your wire for the future. :hmm

I fished it like this. Take the radio down and reach your hand up behind there and push the fish tape to the bow. Keep it going up high and you should get it up in the anchor locker. Attach the string and pull it back slowly.

Next I went up into the head and this is where it gets fun. Reach you hand up to the aft on the far outside wall you will feel the existing wire harness go over a wall. Put the fishtape over it and straight down. It will want to go straight ahead and it will go into another opening and you can lose it. You only need a few feet through for this. Go into the aft cabin and get it through that opening. Attach the string to it and pull it up into the head leave the string on the fish tape.

Next in the head from the same place you just did it push the tape forward to the bow just like you did on the port side. Go up to the anchor locker and get it.

Last to get to the dash there is an opening in the aft cabin access panel look through toward the bow and straight up. I fished the tape from the head access panel straight down through there with another pull string. Being very careful to not have it twist and tangle with the existing wires. From there getting up to the radio box is very easy.

I hope this helps some other person save some time on doing this. Figuring it all out and finding the open paths was what took the most time. The fishing process was under an hour.
Tucker said:
Wonder if this works with the older 272's?

I have not been on a 272 but I am betting it is similar to the 282. I am too new to GW to be able to comment. Sorry. As for the stereo being compatible you can track that down on the kenwood site.
First the back story I wanted to install my sirius radio antenna on the hardtop and not on the deck as the factory does. It seemed to be a bad place to do it and subject to more abuse. So the next step was how do I get the wire to the hard top and this took a while to figure out. No one else here had described it that I could find. The good news is you will not have to rip the whole cabin apart and it is not as hard as it could be.

First you need to gain access to 4 panels the one at the helm with the 110 volt outlet on it. The one in the head. The one in the aft bunk starboard side. The anchor locker.

Get a good plastic fish tape. Metal will be hard use and scratch the boat. I had a great 100' ideal one that can be bought at HD. Get some string to pull through and leave a spare behind when you pull your wire for the future. :hmm

I fished it like this. Take the radio down and reach your hand up behind there and push the fish tape to the bow. Keep it going up high and you should get it up in the anchor locker. Attach the string and pull it back slowly.

Next I went up into the head and this is where it gets fun. Reach you hand up to the aft on the far outside wall you will feel the existing wire harness go over a wall. Put the fishtape over it and straight down. It will want to go straight ahead and it will go into another opening and you can lose it. You only need a few feet through for this. Go into the aft cabin and get it through that opening. Attach the string to it and pull it up into the head leave the string on the fish tape.

Next in the head from the same place you just did it push the tape forward to the bow just like you did on the port side. Go up to the anchor locker and get it.

Last to get to the dash there is an opening in the aft cabin access panel look through toward the bow and straight up. I fished the tape from the head access panel straight down through there with another pull string. Being very careful to not have it twist and tangle with the existing wires. From there getting up to the radio box is very easy.

I hope this helps some other person save some time on doing this. Figuring it all out and finding the open paths was what took the most time. The fishing process was under an hour.
This is very helpful!
If you need to change or add a helm remote for your stereo, fish the same way over the headliner. Once you find the location you can pull the wire down to the radio in the cabin.
I recently found a "Hose" conduit under the microwave that had my remote wire and a cable going to the helm. Make sure you also pull a strong string attached to your new cable.