One of those years the cabin bridge was remoled, new cabin side windows added (Marlin style) and front windows were eliminated, othe rthings.
That's when a price jump occurs.
Other than that, you are dealing with 8-10 yr old motors, have very little $$ value either way. The 200 HPDI motors never had one issue from day one out the factory, and they are more oil and fuel efficient that the OX66s, if you spend time trolling the fuel savings will be much greater than 20% since direct injection doesn't allow raw fuel to pass the exhaust port, like it does with crankcase feed fuel, FI or carb. At higher speeds teh fuel has less time to sneak out the port.
Whatever you get, thorougly service the fuel and oil systems, I'd dump and clean the oil tanks and lines, start wit fresh oil. Make sure any remote oil deck fills get new O rings, and drain on-board oil tank and change oil filter at remote oil tank. You will find water and sluge in oil tank, sludge is formed by water contamnation of oil.
Of the last few years with the economy and fuel prices, record number of boats for sale and staying on market for longer periods, some for years now, and have not been used during that time.
You get no waranty, new HPDI power head is $7K, lower unit rebuild $2K, get the message?