Sailfish scupper hoses

Adding the trim tab pocket vent is a fairly common fix for the aft end sucking down hard into the water when heavier 4 strokes were installed on originally 2 stroke boats. I am not sure if the vents were at some point in time the factory standard. I am also not so sure if they are installed on newer hulls. I was under the impression that the tab pockets were redesigned to eliminate the problem.
If anyone knows for sure what the history is, I would love to know, especially what model/year hulls experienced the problem.
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Well, I'm about halfway through my project to replace all my thru hulls and scuppers and may have found a terminal issue. It appears the stringer that the metal transom reinforcing brackets are bolted to are badly cracked and de-laminating. It’s a strange "stringer" in that its only about 12 inches long and tabbed into the trim tab pocket, not a full-length stringer but I assume this is bad enough I shouldn’t run the boat until I can get the transom rebuilt. Jumping up and down on the engines and transom I don’t see any movement. Thoughts? This crack\gap in the attached pics isn’t normal, right?
Starboard Pic.jpg
Port Pic.jpg