Satellite imaging


Active Member
Dec 21, 2010
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want to purchase sat imaging and realize there are different companies offering thermal imaging. Does anyone have reccomendation or pros and cons of their use of these these apps? thanks fishing the Northeast
I use Rip Charts premium. It has sea surface temp, altimetry, currents, chlorophyll, true color which are the main things I use. Also salinity, sub-surface temps, SST forecast and bathymetry. You can add waypoints. Does all I need it for.
Been using Saltwater Central for a couple of years now. Been very helpful in identifying water and planning trips.
We use an assortment of services for tournament fishing in the Northeast (NJ/DE/MD/VA). It all depends on what you are looking to learn.

ROFFS is an expensive service and is sold by the day. For tournaments we are buy a package at the beginning of the year and order daily or weekly. They will de-cloud and mark eddy and current movements. They will also mark hot spots depending on how long water has been in place. It's adds a "water movement" dimension to plain sea surface temperature charts. We frequently call them from offshore and discuss where we are and ground truth the images. Keep in mind the images are a day old and delivered in the morning.

Sirius Fish Weather is very accurate and helpful in the NE canyons. We can see temp breaks that ROFFS highlighted in realtime (latest satellite pass). Does a very good job of de-cloud'ing.

Rutgers RU-COOL Marine Satellite imagery is free. Not easy to pinpoint anything. Only useful for looking at big trends. Still it's useful.

I also use - mostly for Florida. This is about $100/year for a region. Unlimited access to raw satellite images and chlorophyll.

We use a few weather services too that have SST's but use them mainly for weather conditions.

Some claim to have catch data and recent reports. This has not really produced for us. Best information comes from the guys who were out yesterday.