Schoolie Dolphin off of South Florida w/pics

Gary M

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Ft. Lauderdale
Jobs, meetings and a vacation for my buddies meant that I'd be heading out alone Friday morning from the home Marina in Ft Lauderdale. Forecast to be 2 feet with winds around 10 knots, it was actually sloppy, windy, whitecaps, etc. Trying to deep jig over a wreck alone and with a good breeze meant that all I got was frustrated!

Heading offshore, some guys on VHF 72 were talking about plenty of dolphin in 750-800 feet. Sure enough, as I approached the 700 foot + depth I spotted a huge mat of weeds as big as my house! It was part of a long, curving weed line so as I approached it I came up with a game plan of how I wanted to work the line.

I quickly pulled in the deep running wahoo lure as it was a weed magnet and I ran just three lines after that. The weeds were mature as they had trash in the them, birds sitting on things, etc. Perfect!


I had two fish to the boat that had a single buddy with them (that I could see) and my spinner made quick work of them when I left the original fish in the water.

With five schoolies in the box, I had plenty for dinner and headed in. They (and a few more that I missed) hit a total of five different lures and baits! When I cleaned them later, only one had any food in him so they were hungry!

The two lures on the left were purchased last month on my trip to New Zealand and I was dying to give them a shot. All four of these were hit plus the bally chunks that caught two more fish. The blue and white Islander on the far right was over a ballyhoo.

700 feet and still in sight of land, that's awesome. Nice catch too!

Not to burst your bubble, but did you have a PFD on and your lanyard attached? Bad stuff can happen when you're out there alone, especially in the bouncy stuff.
Nice catch!!! That picture doesn't look rough to me... in weather like that I'd be making 85nm runs for tuna. Enjoy that mahi on the grill...on of my favs!!
shadygradycapn said:
Not to burst your bubble, but did you have a PFD on and your lanyard attached? Bad stuff can happen when you're out there alone, especially in the bouncy stuff.

No I do not do that. However, when fishing alone, I take extra precautions that I don't do when fishing with others..... By the time of the one photo it had calmed down a bit but I do understand your concerns......
Seaweed beds

How many pound test was the line/sinkers you were using. New to this and need a few pointers on the whole set up you use to catch mahi with. Got the concept of pulling it by the weed beds. Thanx for the help and nice catch & boat. Cant wait to bring home my first couple...

Also if your a little familar with the ft lauderdale & boynton beach area can you give me a few good spots. I launch directly infront of the boynton beach inlet...