Seafarer 226 versus 228

capt chris said:
jigfish said:
I would like to say "Thanks so much" for everyone's input on the 226 versus the 228. I will be taking a test ride on Saturday in a 226 and will be my first time in a Grady White. The cockpit layout of the 226 and the 228 looks to be perfect for walleye fishing on Lake Erie which is my intended purpose. I was first attracted to the 226 based on the stern layout and how easy it appears to be able to access the stern of the boat not only for trolling but jigging, as well. On first impression, I did not like how far the engine protruded out the back with the 228. I suppose it is like anything else, once you have it and get used to it, it really isn't an issue. So, thanks for you help and I'll try to check back and let you know how it goes.

All the best,
If you're going to be taking your test ride @ Beaver Park in Lorain, OH give my best to Pat Grasso, Bill Jeancola, and the owner Bill Schaeffer. I bought my 225 from them and they are great guys! I recommend them whole heartedly!

But whatever you do, avoid the other salesman (not listed above) at all costs. Also, Beaver Park's service department is pretty bad. I could tell you some stories. There's good reason Grady White had put them on probation and was considering dropping them. Hopefully they're working to turn things around.
Yes you do have to get used to backing up the 228 and tilting the engine does help.I have a 1998 and it is set up for a 2 stroke.The battery on the starbord side is easy to get to and remove,but the other side is a PITA because of the oil reservoir is in the way. :wink:
I love the setup of the 228 with the live well centered on the stern. I also have two small kids small kids so the wife really likes the full transom to keep the kids where they are supposed to be.

Trimming the motor up greatly improves handling in reverse. Otherwise the prop wash just bounces off the transom and counteracts anything you're trying to do. By trimming it up you get the wash going under the boat.