sealing deck lid


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2006
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I sealed fuel tank deck lid with white GE silicone II tub and bath caulk. The problem is the caulk is still tackey after a week. What is the problem?

Can I use 3M clear silicone marine sealant if I decide to redo? It seems easier to work with
Sounds temperature related. "Marine" just means it costs more ...
And I though it was GE Silicone II for Window and Door use - ??
If it got wet during the drying process, it may never set up. Pull it out and try again.
pulled up old stuff and redid it. The new caulk is much better. Must have been a bad tube.thanks for the information.
I pulled up and cleaned off both lids. Used one cartridge. Dont forget to lay in mono fishing line before caulking in case you need to redo