Shell Shock: NY Boat SHow Prices

Re: Navnet 3....

tuxedospike said:
My Navnet 2 install costs about $17,900

Without getting too personal,can you breakdown WHY the NAVNET VX2 cost you 17,900? :?

2005 300 Marlin w/F250's
I got my figures mixed up by model from last year, here it is. I missed a few models too. Remember, there was no F350 last year - these are "show" prices, I never look at "list" prices on anything.

2007 2008

Sail 156K 160.4K
360X 419K ?
30X 219K 248.5K w F350s
Marlin 215K 241.7K w F350s
330X 281K 337.3K w F350s
275 108K ?
Gulf ? 118.8K w F150s
the post changed the format, just read left to right,

? = don't know.
That shows a 12% for the Marlin which includes an upgrade to F350s. I assume the options were pretty much the same but at that price I sure hope the boat has a/c and diesel genset.

It will interesting to see if dealers down here order the F350s on models which had F250s last year. If I was to buy a Marlin today I am not sure I want to pay for the extra cost and routine maintenance for F350s. The 250s are likely all I need.

I would not hesitate for a 330 but would you order the 30' models for the big power? How do other 300/305 owners feel?
If anyone is looking for a 2007 Marlin, the one at Spellmens Freeport, I believe has been there since last spring, may still be there. Twin F250s.
Someone else may have more info on it.
These prices blow my mind. While I am young at a mere 31, I can't phathom putting that much cash into something that loses money year over year. I'm on boat #5 all used and all paid cash. The interest on the loan, plus depreciation makes that just an insane figure if you look at the out of pocket to have one for say the first 5 years.

As for power my Marlin runs fine with twin 225's. It drinks fuel cause they are carbed 2 stoke. It scares me that I could repower for less than the first year deprecitation on a new one. If I were to repower going to the max HP of 500 on my hull has already crossed my mind. As for going to 700HP on the Marlin sounds crazy, but I'm sure someone with tons of disposable income is out plunking the cash to get bass boat performance on a 30' WA.

I just hope whoever is buying my next boat is taking good care of her. This also helps those of us with used boats. The more new ones go up, the less old ones depreciate. My old Malrin looks like a bargin to me. jh
The prices BobP listed were the show prices and the Marlin did have a/c & a genset. The Marlin did NOT have outriggers... the other larger boats do.
I don't recall if those prices included freight & dealer prep. I don't think they did.

Bob, I agree about the msrp but I always look at it because I want to know what kind of deal they are offering and for the past couple of years the % off to buy at the show has been dropping 1%/yr. This year they are at 8%... last year it was 9%. Does that mean the markup margin has been decreasing or the dealer cost has increased that much more... or both?? Either way that sucks!!! I know production cost for mfger's & operating cost for dealers are increasing but most customers wallets are not keeping up. Layoffs & unemployment are up and salaries have been all but frozen the past couple of years. At this point buying used is the way to go... right now there is a dealer across the sound from me who has a used 2006 330 for sale... loaded with all Grady options and has a fantastic electronics package w/4' open array and autopilot... and "asking" $219,000 w/155hrs. Plus the motors are warranteed till 2011. How can you go wrong... that's at least a $125k savings over new for a 2-3yr old boat. He also has a 2003 for $175000 and a 2005 for $209,900. He also has 3 used marlin's. Seems to be a buyers market for used or leftovers.
I agree with Joe. Much like my example of college tuition and the airlines for that matter, sometimes rising costs of good sold may push prices into a region where there is not sufficient demand to sustain.

It would very hard to purchase a 2008 300 or 305 from that dealer who has the 2006 330 for sale. Especially with low hours and a top shelf package. It will be an interesting few years. The last time the economy was tough (2000-2002) boat price increases where much flatter.
Another factor that comes into play is how weak the used boat market is. Consider this:

Three years ago I paid 170k (too much in hindsight) for a 2002 330 express. I used the heck out of it, ran the engine hours up to 1700 or so and decided to sell it. Since I figured it would have to be repowered, I would have taken 140 for it.

I couldn't get 140 or any reasonable offer, so I decided to keep it and repower it and add some other things I wanted. Say when it's all said and done I spend another 50.

I now have 220 in it BUT the generator has not been replaced so say 20k more to switch over to the diesel generator.

So for 240 all in it's not new but I have 6 years warranty on new motors (250s not 350s), a bow thruster, power steering, new hoses etc. Plus the enjoyment of the last three years.

I've always thought a re-power was a losing proposition but I don't feel like I'm in that bad a shape. The delta between new and used seems to be at an all time high.
I went to the show also.Nothing exited.The grady booth was very nice and the pursuit as well.I went inside the regulator express, and as soon as step my foot to go in the cabin i bumped my head on the door and came right out.I felt that door was too small.Any way prices are sky high to buy new now, so if interested i'll sell you my 330. :mrgreen: :wink:
NEM, I made it in the door... barely! Hate to have to carry gear through that door. Then bumped my head coming out of the head. Did you happen to trip over the raised "becksom" plates in the cockpit? That boat was not well thought out.
NY Boat Show Prices

I didn't see anything jumbo below 6% -- that rate you just quoted is WONDERFUL!
Joe, I understand you ruse of the MSRP.

For me, it's what the bottom line I'm signing for, how they split it up between the factory cost, factory profit, and dealer, is up to them.

And it's the bottom line I can use to negotiate with the guys over at the Boston Whaler display !!!
Re: NY Boat Show Prices

Eberen said:
I didn't see anything jumbo below 6% -- that rate you just quoted is WONDERFUL!

A jumbo loan on a boat? So when you sell it you need a loan to pay off what's left, nice.
I agree Bob... it's how much are you getting for your dollar compared to elsewhere. Plus I know good solid dealers are worth a few extra bucks.
In the end it's "how much do I really want this boat right now" and "do I feel the dealer is giving me a fair price all things considered". It's a major purchase and you really have to take everything into consideration.
just went to the SF boat show and a new 228 was show special of 84k!! Are you kidding me? WOWSA!! The 208 was 78k. the 282 I think was 164k with the discounts. :shock: