Should I drop insurance in the winter?

Was your motor subject to the corrosion recall a few years ago? If that doesn’t apply than I agree with everything others are saying, that is a no.
I think you posted in the wrong thread.

To the OP, David... yes, there is no such thing as a dumb question. But asking a question, then having multiple people spend their own time responding and not responding back IS bad etiquette. If something in "life" happened to prevent you from responding - you get a pass... and I'm sorry to hear that. But otherwise, it's just common decency to respond.
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Home owners insurance will not cover a boat.
The place that I store during the winter requires proof on insurance, regardless I would not consider dropping the insurance - stuff happens
Ditto for me
I use Progressive. Their insurance premiums are broken down into categories which you can separately select. The categories typically include things like Bodily Injury & Property Damage Liability, Uninsured Boater, Medical Payments, Collision, Replacement Cost Personal Effects, Roadside Assistance.Rather than dropping the insurance completely, you can selectively remove categories that are not going to occur during the off-season. In my case, I keep the comprehensive insurance for damage just in case a tree falls on the boat during a storm, it catches fire or it gets stolen. But I drop some categories during the winter because they are simply not applicable. For example, the boat is not going to be damaged by an uninsured boater or my personal effects will not be stolen because I remove them. I drop Damage Liability because I will not cause damage to another person's boat. For the months my boat is out of the water I saved several hundred dollars on the premium versus paying for things you don't need for 6 months of the year. At the beginning of the season, you simply log into your account and reinstate the required insurance coverages. I definitely recommend checking out Progressive.
Definitely the way to go if your insurance carrrier has that to offer.
I agree with all who replied to keep your insurance.
The liability is a risk you don't want to assume. What if your boat was stolen and the thief killed someone with it . You may be sued for some negligence . It wouldn't be fun.