Sore Thumb, FI Inlet NY


GreatGrady Captain
Feb 25, 2005
Reaction score
Bayshore, NY
I took a ride to the Sore Thumb yesterday to work out all the kinks and play with some of my new electronics. Nice day but water was chilly at 39 deg. I also saw a few of those pesky seals swimming around. I hear one seal can eat up to 75 lbs of flounder every day. I havent heard much going on w/the flounder to the east yet. Need a good run of warm days to wake them up. Hoping to get out this wekend. Will post results.
Thanks Gman, good to see your in...I do the same thing...I don't bring a fishing pole the 1st few out the kinks..C'mon warm weather...Talk to you soon
Montauk, Im convinced the seals do alot of damage to the flounders around here. They are here every year and I think they stay for a reason...Food. They are also known to eat stripers too. Years ago when half a garbage can full was a slow day you would never see seals in the GSB. Just my opinion.
Had my limit of flounder in the thumb on thursday. If you go, bring lots of muscles.
I got out to the thumb again on sunday. Got my limit again on muscles being key.