steering on offshore 24 1986


New Member
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
red lion pa.
would anybody have disassembly instructions for standard cable steering for this model year. it has a 225 johnson on it. i have owned it for about 8 years,steering started to stick last season when it was turned to the right. any info would be greatly appreciated.[/b]
If mechanical, do you have the TeleFlex Big T helm ? I presume the engine pivots freely by hand when the steering is disconnected (?)

If so, problem likely to be in the cable, water gets in there. Replace the cable. I doubt its the Big T, but it can be taken apart readily.
Or if not, water may have corroded the inner diameter of the engine's steeing tube. They were made of carbon steel in those days as I recall.
This may effect steering both ways however.
Just cut the cable and replace everything. A Teleflex NFB 4.2 system can be had from Boatfix for under $200. That includes the helm and cable.
Ditto on replacing everything. It's not worth the hassle of dealing with Big T steering. You won't be disapointed with the NFB system