Darn those kids...
I have the same problem - a high school student in marching band, they have something going on EVERY Saturday, and he's too tired on Sunday to do anything. It's good for him, but gee, the boat, the motorhome, and the dirtbikes are just sitting there while I make payments. And I'm getting bored.:evil:
Oh well, wifey and I make it out often for at least a harbor cruise and a cocktail, with or without friends. At least we get some sun and sea air, relax a little. I need to get re-enthused about fishing and get my butt moving earlier. The palegics never quite made it up past San Diego this year and that was a little discouraging. I really need to get out and pull some lobster, season is in full swing.
Our hours are down this year as well, about 70 vs 100+ from previous years. We are 25 miles from the launch, boat is stored half-way. Pick it up on the way out, can be launched and motoring away within about 40 minutes. A full cover keeps it clean and ready to go.