Storing Cushions and Canvas


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Ct River Valley
What do you guys do with your cushions and curtains during winter storage?

Thx, Bill
winter storage

I take them off the boat and clean them and then store in my attic. The clear vinyl gets cleaned with Plexus and then canvas gets hung on clothes hangers rather than rolled.

Then I cry until spring.
I clean the plastic windows and leave them and the canvas installed on the hardtop. The boat is shrink wrapped. I took them off one year and decided it was easier to just leave them on out of the elements. They keep their shape and look great in the spring. The cabin cushions and seats I take home and clean and store them in a dry spot. This makes it a lot easier to give the whole boat a good cleaning in the spring. Only 174 days to launch :cry:
I clean mine and take them in the house for the winter.

My basement is very dry and warm so I keep them there, and i will

usually throw a light plastic cover over them for any dust

.........and like fishie1, I cry alot as well.
I leave all canvas on the boat, clean them really good, then my boat gets stored inside, so no shrink wrap. The cushings are out of the boat and in my heated garage attic, while i'm crying too. To brake the ice a little i will take a couple of trips out of NJ for some huge seabass.
Thanks guys. I will clean them and leave them on the hardtop for the winter since I'm having the boat wrapped. The cushions will go in the house.

Make sure that the shrink wrap doesn't touch the clear plastic. For that mater, nothing should touch the plastic.
Canvas - glass and cloth get cleaned and dried then rolled around one of those pool noodles to help keep it round and placed in Stuff Sacks (3 in all) for storage in my basement.

Cabin Cushions - Air dried then woolite cleaned and vacuumed then stored in the cabin.

Seat Cushions - Scrubbed clean, de-mildewed (sp?), and a coat of vinyl protectant then also stored in the cabin.

Boat is shrink wrapped with desiccant in the cabin so moisture is usually kept to a minimum.

Usual routine - boat comes home and EVERYTHING comes off. A lot of extra Stuff accumulates over the season and this gives me a chance to thin it out. Everthing is cleaned if needed and stored separate in my shed or basement. Basement is for things that need winter attention or protection like fishing gear and electronics. boat is then pressure washed, hand washed, waxed and polished. Any signs of mold or mildew are taken care of and then the mechanical stuff begins.
Clean the clear plastic before lay away. Put tissue paper over one side, then roll them without bending or creasing the plastic. I use old wrapping paper tubes to roll around. Where I work we roll out cnavas's when we run boats but before delivery tissue paper is used on the side that is rolled to keep it from scratching. In the spring, clean the windows again and then wax them with a palstic wax and upkeep them during the year and your set. As for cushions, I put armorol on them then put them in storage. Half way through the winter I will wipe them down, dust might accumulate depending on where they are stored, and reapply armorol. Armorol will keep the cusion material soft and flexible, if you put nothing on them and they are in a dry place they can dry rot and get hard and break apart. Any type of product that is safe for your cusions will work as long as it will keep them protected and from drying out.