Clean the clear plastic before lay away. Put tissue paper over one side, then roll them without bending or creasing the plastic. I use old wrapping paper tubes to roll around. Where I work we roll out cnavas's when we run boats but before delivery tissue paper is used on the side that is rolled to keep it from scratching. In the spring, clean the windows again and then wax them with a palstic wax and upkeep them during the year and your set. As for cushions, I put armorol on them then put them in storage. Half way through the winter I will wipe them down, dust might accumulate depending on where they are stored, and reapply armorol. Armorol will keep the cusion material soft and flexible, if you put nothing on them and they are in a dry place they can dry rot and get hard and break apart. Any type of product that is safe for your cusions will work as long as it will keep them protected and from drying out.