Taco Outriggers


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
Beverly MA
How do people like the Taco T Top/ Hardtop mounted riggers ? I am talking about the Grand Slam 250's that are the packaged with many of the GW's--- Looking to pull heavier bars and baits---

I have the Grand Slam 350's mounted on my 228 Hardtop. They have 15 foot poles and of course backing plates for the install. So far, no problems. I think for your size boat you may require the 18 foot poles.
Thanks-- This is actually for another rig-- I have the Lee drop downs on the 33 and love them-- I may be moving back to a CC--
Hi Kev
If you get them, order at least the welded in plates (if not the entire package) from the factory. If the factory installs, Winterville welds 2 plates onto the t or hard top frame for rigidity. I think the plates are a good thing especially if you go with 18 or longer poles.
I want to install them on my boat. Just working up the nerve to take the hole saw to the top. Without the welded plates, I likely will only go with 15 poles with the backing plate and spacers for the bolts to mitigate hard too damage.
i just installed 250's on my 265 , i used backing plates and tubing spacers, which were both approved by grady and taco, absolutely no issues and looks great, i got the 15ft poles which was "more" recommended by grady-- went to the canyon in 4-6's on the way out and no problems at all , good luck