Tenders for 300-330-360's?


GreatGrady Captain
Jul 25, 2005
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Interested what folks are using for tenders these days, I'm in the market for a new inflatable in the 9-10' range, maybe using my Yamaha F4 for power in addition to oars. Just about all I can lift over the side and recover later when I'm wiped out from a few hours on the beach.

I can't / don't want to beach my GW, and also often anchor in the Gulf 100 yards or so offshore which makes a long paddle. How do you get back and forth to the beach, over sandbars, backwaters, where ever its too shallow to take the GW?

And how do you store / launch / recover your tenders? Anyone developed an easy way to do it with an inflatable and portable outboard on an outboard boat?
While I do not have any of the models mentioned above, I did recently purchase an inflatable. Like you I have a Yamaha 4HP 4 stroke. Ended up buying a West Marine inflatable with the high pressure floor. It packs up into about a large duffle bag size. Easy to set up but we have only done it on a dock or beach. Might be tight on board in a cockpit. Once inflated, it is easy to lift and move around. The HP floor is very stable and runs well. With my 19 year old 170 lb son on board the 4 will actually plane it out.
I have an Achilles LSI96 with an 8HP Nissan 2 stroke. I've had it for awhile because we used on the 330 before we had this boat. It's an air floor and when rolled up stowes perfectly under the stern bench seat (When open). Once under there it doesn't get in the way at all. When we are cruising the engine can be stowed in the fish box. I just put some Dri-deck on the bottom of the box and the engine, gas tank, oars, and everything else that goes with the dinghy stowes in there until we get to our destination.

I've seen a guy with a 330 install a small pulley hoist that is semi-removable on the port transom. When removed it is just a clamp mount. Then you put the pole in and you can hoist an engine over the side and onto the dinghy. I don't use that but if you wanted to install one on your 360 you would have to remove the fender holder that is currently there.