Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The dealer is Land's End Marina in Harrison Twp., MI on Lake St. Clair. Mine's to be rigged similar as yours except I opted for duel helm seating.
I haven't decided on electronics but the dealer generally likes Raymarine.
Scrutinizing electronics is my next project. Good to know you trialed the boat under said conditions as they are all to common on the Great Lakes. Also considerd a Hydra Sport DC but the only dealer is on the other side of the state which makes it tough if there's warranty issues. Where do you do your boating?

Congrats! A very nice option list. Did Yamaha still have the six year warranty offer when you made your purchase?
You are going to have a ball this summer.
They always say the best two days of your boating life is the day you buy and the day you sell.

With a Grady, it is the day you buy and the day you buy the next one.

Good luck with the boat!
You'll have a ball with the boat..

Let's get together at Connelly Bottoms this summer and get some shots of our two boats....
charles miller said:
Congrats! A very nice option list. Did Yamaha still have the six year warranty offer when you made your purchase?
You are going to have a ball this summer.
Yes, Yamaha's offer on the motor is good until 3/31/08 so this motor will qualify. Glad to have it, hope I never have to use it. But my SOP is plan for the worst, hope for the best. It's always served me well, especially with anything having to do with boats!
gradytom said:
Who did you deal with at Beaver Park??
I dealt with Pat Grasso, the sales manager. I found Pat to be great to work with and a man of his word. We negotiated hard, but there was never any doubt about his interest in selling me the boat. They have ordered my trailer and are installing electronics so delivery will probably happen in the next thirty days or so. I'm actually not in any hurry to go up to Lorain until the weather breaks a bit.
I purchased a 98 Islander from them a couple of years back.
Went there in late April for a sea trial and it was snowing on erie.
Nice people, love my boat, good luck w/yours!!!!
If you plan to do any extensive trailering, make sure they don't sell you a trailer that's barely adequate for the boat.

EVERY trailer I was sold in the past had problems due to being under-built.

I started having them custom-made and over-built and my problems stopped.

Dealerships sell you a boat-and-trailer package that is attractively priced. Unfortunately, they skimp on the trailer capacity, and unless you plan to stay close to Connelly Bottoms it'll catch up with you..I trailer all over, Fla, Mich, and so far, am trouble-free.

To quote a song by a local artist here "When You Learn A Lesson The Hard Way. You Learn It Real Good."
magicalbill said:
If you plan to do any extensive trailering, make sure they don't sell you a trailer that's barely adequate for the boat.

EVERY trailer I was sold in the past had problems due to being under-built.

I started having them custom-made and over-built and my problems stopped.

Dealerships sell you a boat-and-trailer package that is attractively priced. Unfortunately, they skimp on the trailer capacity, and unless you plan to stay close to Connelly Bottoms it'll catch up with you..I trailer all over, Fla, Mich, and so far, am trouble-free.

To quote a song by a local artist here "When You Learn A Lesson The Hard Way. You Learn It Real Good."

Thanks Bill, that's good advice. I spec'd an Eagle custom galvanized trailer model G22-58- TTB. It's a 5800# capacity dual axle, torsion bar, disc brakes on both axles, electric over hydraulic brakes, LED lights, Goodyear Marathon tires, spare tire and wheel. I figure the boat weighs 3450 dry, the Yamaha F250 weighs 604, 96 gal. gas weighs 625 = 4679 lbs. That leaves me about an 1121 lbs cushion for fresh water, gear, electronics, anchor and rode, ice, beer, and other necessities. This is the size trailer that the Eagle technical folks recommended. I've also heard that if your over capacity the trailer too much then the suspension is so stiff that it doesn't flex enough and justs ends up jarring the boat on the trailer. My last trailer was an Eagle on my Whaler and other than the Chinese Carlisle tires, two of which blew out for no good reason, I was very happy with it.
Fishtales said:
They always say the best two days of your boating life is the day you buy and the day you sell.

With a Grady, it is the day you buy and the day you buy the next one.

Good luck with the boat!
I couldn't agree any more, did it 3 times so far.
Congrats on your purchase, both of you.
I cought my wife eyesighting the 275 at the NY boat show.Beautty,the boat. :mrgreen: