Theft attempt on F250's

Yup, twice in one day :roll: , but to clarify that guy was a legal receipiant
of our tax dollars, the wanted illegal imm. felon that was released
on $40 cash bail was only arrested once, soon as he got released
Im sure he got outa Dodge quick, probably heading to another
sanctuary city.

Jimmy you should have offered the guy who stole your stuff
a free day of fishing on your boat, way, waaay out if ya know what I
mean :wink:

Isnt it funny how many of the people we know and talk to have the
same concerns and thoughts about this country, yet if you watch the
media and listen to the clowns in D.C. you would have to think we are in
the minority about what we think.

We need somone that is gonna take America back, and unfortuately,
none of those three can or want to do that, IMO they want a socialist
country, but thats just what I see. What I dont see is Pride, Priciple, or Honor.
Three of the things that we as Americans could be boastful of, what has happened? :cry: :cry: :cry:
Unfortunately that's how we got the name "Silent Majority". There seems to be no shortage of the "victimhood mentality" in America today. It seems that nobody is responsible for their own actions anymore, they are all just victims of the circumstance.
I heard the former Commandant of the Marine Corps say it best once when he said "I was born in a time when we worried more about our responsibilities than our rights." Semper Fi!
When I purchased my boat it had McGaurd lock on the props. I believe thay also make outboard locks as well. They work like a keyed lug nut lock.