Thoughts on 24' offshore with a 200 HPDI?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Looking at an 87' 24' Offshore with an 01 200 HPDI on it with only 400 hours. The owner is the original owner of the boat and claims its in great shape ( it looks to be clean in the ad). It has the factory hardtop, full enclosure curtains in good shape, and a new fuel tank which is what I was looking for. It's priced pretty fair and comes with a trailer, 9.9 kicker, and EPIRB kit which I will most likely sell everything and get some money back. Best of all its only about an hour from me.

My concern is the power with this hull. It is an open transom model. Owner claims he cruises comfortably at 23mph at 3800rpm with 3 guys (taken from gps). I asked him what he got for WOT and he said he's never run the boat open since he's owned it. I am ok with that speed and was never really into going super fast on the water. Just seeing if anyone has some input on this with a similar setup. I know If I'm not happy with it after one season I can start looking for a used motor in the 225-250 range and swap them out.

Planning to look at it Saturday and if i'm happy with the compression test/bay test I may jump on it.


Short of the long... you can get up on plane, but won't be able to operate the engine in the intended design range. These hulls are designed to cruise at 28-32 mph. If you are lucky wot might get you there, but not good for economy or long term health of the engine.
Mine (see signature) is an absolute rocket out of the hole and I can run closer to 30mph at the same speed -- if memory serves ;) I believe the bracket is also helping with this. But 23MPH at 3,800 isn't all that bad, either. I think as long as you're not loading the boat up with a ton of gear and people, you'll be happy. The 200 will probably have the biggest impact on hole shot. But tabs will help a lot with that. I would say it's not the "ideal" engine, but shouldn't be all that bad, either.

I would suggest you take a long a few buddies with you to your water test to make it a more "real life" test. The "Pro's" were aimed more at fishing... well, A LOT more at fishing. Same hull and general features, but a whole bunch more fishing stuff. For example, there were only cushions on the starboard-side V-bunk - the rest of the space was all aimed at rod and bulk storage. The cockpit would have more things standard like baitwell, recirc livewell, etc.
Thank you for your thoughts. I have a feeling the boat will be similar to my 22 seafarer I had. That boat only had a 175hp ocean runner on it and it was no rocket but it got the job done. The boat only has one fuel tank which I will most likely never have completely full. Like I said I'm not looking to go super fast I'm more focused on the condition of the boat overall. I can always upgrade power later on if it's that bad.

I'm just a big fan of the 24's because of the fishing room. 90% of the time it will most likely just be me and my gf which combined is under 300 lbs lol. I may bring my gps and a jumper pack with me just to see exactly what were cruising at.
