tough day on the brine

He did say it was a tough day:) It didn't work for me either.
Sorry guys, was practising getting pics onto the site. Which I did manage, then tried everything to remove the image just so I could. It looks like I did not quite complete the process. Having difficulty getting more than one pic at a time . Would like to post more pics so I am working on that. Halfhitch has sent me detailed instructions for "Imagur," so it is my ageing mind that cannot follow simple instructions. Even though I change the size GG tells me the format is too large....... Yes I will figure it out!!!
I am sure there are more direct ways to shrink the image size but what I do is email the photos to myself as attachments. When I hit send, it asks what resolution I want to use. I select one of the lowest resolutions.
Thanks seasick, I will arrive!......eventually
Well, we don't have all day, Brian. We've all got fish to clean. 'sides I wanna see what it looks like back there in paradise this time of year. :)
Looking back......approx a year ago, I mentioned I would post pics under "tough day on the brine " and I never completed. Thanks to Halfhitch who sent me the instruction (for even my simple mind to follow and screw up) on using "Imagur" back in 2018, I have managed to install some pics of those briney days. Yes I do live in the centre of the universe with no apologies, only trying to deflect the envy of those who are not so lucky.

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Too pristine an environment to put a "dirty" polluting boat in the water!

Where does the brine come from? Is that a salt lake?
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That Hookup is the Pacific Ocean, yes some days it looks like a lake, but that is the "salty brine" We get a bit spoiled with days like that on the ocean, but it can also show its other side when it is not so friendly.
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Thanks Halfhitch for showing the me the IMGUR way. Yes, paradise it is! We look forward to the summer ahead spending some time boat camping in these areas....on the mini yacht 208. These pics were taken on our search for the elusive prawns.
Don, you know I can't share secret stuff, .........but in your case it is in Desolation Sound, the pics are in around Otter Island and the passage between Otter and Bold Head . Beautiful spot any time of year . Followed some Humpbacks for awhile in that area, watching them interact (play) with Sea Lions which we had never observed before. About an hour of quite the show before they said goodby and went there seperate ways.
Sounds awesome, Desolation Sound is on my list of places to go. We prawned on the back side of Twin Islands a few years ago but never ventured further in. We do live in paradise, thanks for reluctantly sharing.