Tournament 185 with f150 Prop Help


Jun 18, 2018
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Hello I have a 2006 185 grady white tournament with a 2005 Yamaha f150, the motor is only pushing 5,000rpms trimmed all the out and pushes about 34kt, Also the boat wont plane out with 2 people in the rear seats and myself driving. It has a 19M prop I was wondering if this is the correct prop for my setup and if not what I should try? I have also replaced all filters except for the vst and changed the spark plugs and oil. The motor seems to be running fine/ isn't skipping or running rough at all.
Thank You
Is this a new condition, or has it run better before? Is the boat new to you? How did it run on the test ride?

What is the bottom condition... ANY growth? Prop condition?

I'm confused... if it doesn't "plane out", how are you getting 34 knots, about 39 mph. GPS based?

Are you trimming fully down on takeoff?

What is the WOT RPM range for your engine?
DennisG01 said:
Is this a new condition, or has it run better before? Is the boat new to you? How did it run on the test ride?

What is the bottom condition... ANY growth? Prop condition?

I'm confused... if it doesn't "plane out", how are you getting 34 knots, about 39 mph. GPS based?

Are you trimming fully down on takeoff?

What is the WOT RPM range for your engine?
The boat is new to me and this is what it has always done, but it will plane out as long as I don't have people sitting in the very rear of the boat and yes the trim is all the way down when taking off. The prop is in good condition no damage and the bottom of the boat is painted and in good condition with no growth. I believe the rpm range is 5-6K.
yes GPS based speed.
I wonder if something else might be going on. I do not know if a 19" or 17" is the most commonly used prop for that setup, but I suspect that one of them is. However, if you dropped down to a 17", it's only going to net you about 300-ish RPM's. Still not enough to get to the top end... which is why I wonder if something else is up. I assume you're reporting the 5K RPM's with a very light load? That's the best way to compare.

Do a compression test - and, ideally, a leak down test.
Did you ever figure this out? My 185 tournament does the same thing. Too much weight in the back. need to shift around, hey, its an 18' boat!
Hello. I have a 2007 185 tournament as well. With a new 150 yamaha. I too have had problems with it getting up on a plane with weight in the back. Any suggestions?