The great hoax being perpetrated by grady sales speak is that at some time in history, recreational fishing was not a family activity, but then it became a family activity and Grady is now marketing to it (?) Absurd.
Recreational fishing has always been an all age, all gender, all race, all affordable level activity, something for every generation, be it via surf, pier, or boat. And don't let anyone get away with saying anything else.
Dual console boats are bow riders, that have to be dual console to allow access to ride the bow, how else can it be done?
Dual consoles provide more seating than a center console does or cabin boat, at an added cost over a cc. They don't provide more fishability unless one wants to sit down while fishing and doesn't believe in deck chair use.
With some simple canvas wings, a CC can do just as good to block wind and wet conditions that don't allow riding the bow in any boat. On a boat this big there is room for a head, same as on a CC. Both DC and CCs are day boats.
The dual console boat of equal hull to a CC is a more expensive boat making it less affordable to the masses.
What Grady new marketing is - is to a focus crowd of higher socioeconomic level (vs. " if you have to ask the price you can't afford it" crowd) who also occassionaly fish vs. hangout/raft up, and want an easier cleanup (say vs. an upscale carpeted Cobalt DC).
Now how can Grady go about saying that in their sales speak directives ?
The first boat I owned was a 17 ft bow rider Cruisers rally, it didn't have electrically operated hide away perimeter lounge seats, we had to manually fold out the back to back seats, to lounge, the old fashion way.
And yes, it had two consoles.