Where are you located?
Some may disagree, but I would characterize the trailer manufacturers like this:
Mass producers....generally made from the same parts....large dealer networks...(Road King, Magic Tilt, Continental, Load Rite, EZLoader)
Smaller regional producers - also generally made from the same parts but sold factory direct. Most of these guys are in FL (Float On, Loadmaster, Ace, TNT, Real Extreme)
Custom Trailer manufacturers - They build something that fits your boat and only your boat. Generally sell factory direct. Not nearly the volume as the big boys but you generally get a better product. Frequently competitive price-wise with the other guys. You will need to pick it up or coordinate shipping but these guys do it all the time. (Owens and Sons, Sporttrail, Ameratrail, Boatmaster.)
Shop around....my experience has been that you can get a custom trailer for the boat for about the same price, and it's much easier to use.
What are you towing with? That Marlin is heavy.....