A little short for my liking. For me, to much overhang of the bunks in the rear. Not seeing how that trailer can be rated to handle the weight of the Sailfish being as short as it is.
Definitely too short. Certainly looks undersized for weight, too. Those tires are really tucked up into the fenders - compressing the springs an awful lot and likely overloading the axles, etc, etc.
Looks too short to me. I don't think your tongue weight ratio will be in spec. The fact that the winch stanchion is all the way forward is also a flag. You have no room for adjustment of tongue weight. A general rule of thumb is that the trailer from back end to forward stanchion roller should be equal to or greater than the distance from the transom to the bow ring (eye). Yours looks about two feet short. Besides potential handling issues when trailering, when stored with too much boat behind the trailer, there can be a tendency of the tongue to rise up off the ground and cause the hull or motor to hit the ground. I have seen this happen.
the slope doesn't help assess it visually. looks too long and trailer tongue looks too short, plus the axles look overburdened. tongue weight might tell a different tale i guess. i have seen bracket boats that hang out further off the stern.
trailer is at least 2 feet short for that boat. You can't move the post because the pulpit is already overhanging the hitch.
Best thing to do is get the model# of the trailer and look at the Load Rite site. Get the specs of the boat and calculate the model you need.
IMO there is no way that is the right trailer. sorry
Can’t imagine the tongue weight being good. Looks to have a lot of weight forward. For use as a yard trailer to pull it and store off season maybe but I wouldn’t want to trailer with it anywhere. Looks unstable.