transom repair

This is what I found under the cap and braket, note the bare wood, the "putty" has vanished!





I should have taken more photos as I pulled it apart, but I was in awe and It went fast.
What were the signs that you needed a new transom? I have a 97 marlin with four strokes, which are quite heavy. I look over the transom now and then for stress cracks but nothing noticeable yet.
Believe it or not, as bad as it is, the flex wasnt that bad (any flex is bad, but Im just saying in my case given what I found in there). Im not sure about the Marlin, but if it has that fiber glass cover over the cap, look at where the caulking is at the edges, if they are craked or torn (look closley it can be torn at contact point and still look in place) and if the are torn you've got water in there. Also the aluminum trim under the motor is screwed directly through the cap, into the aluminum bracket amd into the ply wood. I didnt notice any sealant on them when they came out, and they see alot of water.
The signs I noticed, and I can see in the link for composite yatch, is where the rub rail end at the transom corners, it was starting to crack under the rubrail, about an inch and a half.
The wood I had in there had the strenght of saw dust, yet I had NO stress cracks in the outer fiberglass of the transom. Which made me feel good and confident in the quality and strengh of Grady's fiberglassing, for what its worth.
Your pictures really scared the sht out of me, I couldn't believe how bad your transom was. I had a 96 sailfish and the transom design appears to be the same as the marlin. I had new four strokes put on in 2002 and the transom was in good shape at that time. I think i will have it checked by a professional just in case. Good luck with your replacement.
TBone, when they ( or you?) are doing the repair from the insdei (I expect), check the condition of the stringer tie-ins, they contact but may be separated by glass from the transom inner skin.
I dare you to post those pics on THT....

Sorry to hear about your transom TBone. That really sucks, but it's proof that Grady didn't get their reputation for rotten transoms just by chance.... If they want to be considered a top builder, they need to stop doing this kind of half-@ss work. :(
LOL! Ya they probably would offer me money too :!:

But I hear you, I was really shocked when saw it, and to hear they still do that style.

Greenwood may not rot, but it wont keep it from getting wet, What happens in the

winter if it does get wet?

But any way I know it will be good after this, And I still Love my Grady!!!!

Bob, Yes the stringers are fine still (thank God!) There is glass between the

Stringers and transom.
What coring material are you going to put back in there?

I've seen those pics of the GW transom from Composite before. I even talked to them about what to use in my Mako transom. Ironically, they recommened Marine Ply...and to just make sure the job is done properly. :)
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I do not understand why GW knowing there is a reputation issue would not provide what seems would be a relatively simple and inexpensive fix to this issue. As most on this site have a positive opinion of GWs we all know there are sites with quite a few more members that love to bash this brand. With business conditions the way they are you would think the GW would fix this issue once and for all and attempt to draw buyers form a greater % of the population?
I am still a big GW fan, however, I will be watching my transom conditions closely. Too much invested to let this happen!
Brian, Im really scared to put wood back in there after what I found :shock:

Im not sure yet, but I am talking to somone who repairs, and he is confident in plywood.

Im gona weigh out the options and see....

I still havent found anyone to can give me any concrete evidence that

Seacast isnt a good option, other than opinions.....

Legend, If and when I uprgade to a newer bigger GW, I will first make sure

I have a thorough proctology exam on her, and then I will send it off to the glass shop

to get it capped correctly, before Id use it, hell of a lot cheaper and quicker than waiting till shes's rotted.

But that being said I still would stick with Grady White, just love them I guess?
Whatever you use, it das to be sealed from water.

Seal the wood (properly), it will last forever.

Marine plywood is the economic choice and w/o question, structural proper.

You can probably do the transom with 2 sheets of 3/4 inch $95 per, if the height is less than 2 feet high. Glass between sheets. Epoxy resin.
Hello have 1983 grady white 20 overnighter transom is crack on top thinking of filling it with seacast any suggestions


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Whatever you use, it das to be sealed from water.

Seal the wood (properly), it will last forever.

Marine plywood is the economic choice and w/o question, structural proper.

You can probably do the transom with 2 sheets of 3/4 inch $95 per, if the height is less than 2 feet high. Glass between sheets. Epoxy resin.
You need to state that in BOLD " GLASS BETWEEN SHEETS" it is critical to making a strong bond.
Hello have 1983 grady white 20 overnighter transom is crack on top thinking of filling it with seacast any suggestions
I can't say. You need to open up that area and see if and how deep the core is damaged. If a few inches, seacast may be acceptable assuming the transom is structurally sound.
You also may want to drill a few holes in various spots from the inside of the transom to examine the coring. Patching those holes is easy if everything is solid.
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This is what I found under the cap and braket, note the bare wood, the "putty" has vanished!





I should have taken more photos as I pulled it apart, but I was in awe and It went fast.
Hi, you still have those photos?
Hello have 1983 grady white 20 overnighter transom is crack on top thinking of filling it with seacast any suggestions

Miguelfig - Your images above are useless. That is the beginning of the transom ripping out. Separated from the stringers. Engines may not fall off...not yet. Look at this one...

Screen Shot 2023-03-05 at 8.41.59 AM.png Screen Shot 2023-03-05 at 8.40.21 AM.png Screen Shot 2023-03-05 at 8.40.38 AM.png

Suggestions? - Yes - replace the transom and check stringers.
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