Believe it or not, as bad as it is, the flex wasnt that bad (any flex is bad, but Im just saying in my case given what I found in there). Im not sure about the Marlin, but if it has that fiber glass cover over the cap, look at where the caulking is at the edges, if they are craked or torn (look closley it can be torn at contact point and still look in place) and if the are torn you've got water in there. Also the aluminum trim under the motor is screwed directly through the cap, into the aluminum bracket amd into the ply wood. I didnt notice any sealant on them when they came out, and they see alot of water.
The signs I noticed, and I can see in the link for composite yatch, is where the rub rail end at the transom corners, it was starting to crack under the rubrail, about an inch and a half.
The wood I had in there had the strenght of saw dust, yet I had NO stress cracks in the outer fiberglass of the transom. Which made me feel good and confident in the quality and strengh of Grady's fiberglassing, for what its worth.