82 tournament with a 2 stroke 140 Johns.,runs like a raped ape...backside of Nantucket...alas my transom is junk...HELP...is seacast an alternative...dont want to move to another boat ..this thing is a Striper machine ...please advise
dig it out, all of it. then replace with new wood or a coosa (plastic) trans. make sure your holes are seal with epoxy before hardware goes in or you'll be doing it again.
Looked at Seacast before doing my own transom but decided to stay with the boat and do it right, which means taking skin off the stern and replacing entire transom plywood.
Hi guys, I'm new to the forum. I am going to go look at a 1994 209 Escape with a 200 evinrude on it. What kind of field tests can i perform righ there on the spot to see if its has problems or not? How to I check for transom rot?
Use a small hammer, plastic or otherwise, gently tap the transom all over (and I mean all over), "good transon will be somewhat hollow sounding, bad transon will be dead. Pay particular attention along the top cap and any invasive items like the bilge drain and transducer mountings ... :wink:
The hammer will help determine if there is delamination but it wont find excessive moisture. You should have a complete marine survey. You don't need a survey for every boat you look at. When you find the one of your dreams, negotiate the price and make the sale contingent on a survey or better yet do not make any downpayment until you the survey.