First off, when you say the motors check out, what do you mean and who supposedly inspected the motors? The previous owner? A Yamaha tech? A surveyor? Yourself? Also, when were they last inspected? I'd have a surveyor or even yourself inspect the entire boat, including the outboards. Hopefully you can find a surveyor that's also a Yamaha tech, or even just have a Yamaha tech inspect the motors thoroughly, or you can do this yourself as well if you feel up to the challenge. Drop the lower units, look up inside for the fairly common dry exhaust corrosion problem. It's not a for sure thing that the motors will have it, but there's always that chance. Some have said that it's usually the larger motors like the F200's, F225's and larger, but have heard of some with F150's that have also had the issue as well. Others have also said that it tends to happen around the 400-650 hour mark, though I don't know if there's any evidence to support that. I'd also do a compression check on the outboards as well as potentially a leak down test, change out all of the fluids, change out thermostats and everything else that likely hasn't been done in several years. One of the biggest issues for any kind of engine, whether it be automotive, marine, etc... is from sitting too long and not being used, no matter if it's a couple years old or 17+ years old. My boat is coming up on being just over 21 years old at this point. I bought her from a dealership that put a replacement outboard on her just before I purchased her, with right around 1k hours on the motor. The replacement motor is also a 2004 vintage, but has been flawless so far, knock on wood. I think the biggest thing is going to be the asking price, in that if the boat/motors need some work, then the price should represent the amount of work needed. If she needs nothing and gets a clean bill of health, then that's a different story, but I wouldn't want to be spending top dollar on something that needs a ton of work just because the motors only have 200 hours on them. Good luck with the search as well as potential purchase. Let us know what you decide on and post a few pictures when you get a chance.