Updating stereo on boat 228

I love music . I really like it trolling for dolphin.
I couldn't imagine not having a system going fishing. Making long runs and hitting the sandbars before the afternoon rain in the summer. Spring and fall fishing down here is hard to beat---but summer has better residents. Lol
Had a great weekend installing the new stereo stuff. Had some surprises both good and bad.

bad surprise is I found out this morning how to get it all worked . Good surprise is my boat had a Garmin NEMA backbone installed already. You might ask ,how in the heck did you not that Bob? Well, when I bought the boat I had the dealer install all the electronics.

So,when got the Garmin GXM 54 receiver all I had to do is remove an old Nema 2000 GPS antenna and replace it with the GXM antenna. I had to add a Garmin Network expander to add the XM weather functionality along with my radar .

The speaker install went well as well as the Fusion Apollo mx 670 any where receiver. I ended up mounting it up top in the ebox to connect into the Garmin Nema backbone. I had issues with subscribing to XM and it turns out I had to get better view of the sky . Also , once I solved that issue I had no audio .

Fusion has crummy instructions. You drive the system through an AP on the phone.. my fishing buddy Ben loaded the AP on his phone and turned a bunch on Inputs or sources to on. I could not get FM or XM or anything to play other than the blue tooth. This morning I got this Epiphany of sorts and went into the AP and turned all sources off but XM. Voila success! Out came 80s on 8 and Don't you forget about me!

The speakers sound great if not amazing and the built in class D amp in the Fusion with it's 280 watts of peak power is more than enough for the boat . The JL7.7s mostly fit,we had to trim some of the insulation on the fish boxes to get them to fit well. The sound is again solid , especially for a boat. I highly recommend the Fusion head unit and the JL speakers .


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Looks good. Now get the cable and connect the MFD to the motor so you can get engine data on the screen.
I have that cable on back order or something so I am told. I would love to get two MFDs .
No holes.
I used existing factory holes . I don't like holes either. I have Sony ,Bose and altec Lansing blue tooth speakers . They are a great audio source for outdoors .

For me I really wanted XM radio and the weather package as well as audio . A portable blue tooth speaker didn't meet my wants and needs..
Got 4 new Skar 6.5s in my custom pods. Didn’t have to new drill holes. The back pods replaced some old Skar indoor outdoor 6.5 speakers that were huge but we’re getting rusty. You can see them in the last pic. I had to paint the grills every year. I like the new ones because they’re sealed, protected and aimed perfectly. Each powered by 90 RMS. Could use some more power I think but I get the amp for free and it's clean sound.

BTW I have a bass knob for the sub so I turn it off when we're trolling for Salmon. It's just enough low end, not obnoxious. The speakers don't have to be loud to sound loud since they are all aimed right. Audiophiles call it "beaming".

Skar Audio Marine 6.5"
Skar Audio Marine 8"
Fusion 10" Sub - Flush mount (They didn't have the Flush version when I bought mine)


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Thanks to SmokyMtnGrady, I'm spending more money on the boat.:cool:
The JL's in the inspection ports make my little 4" Poly-Planar's look tiny, which they are, in comparison. Ordered a pair of the 7.7 JL's like Smoky. When I bought the boat, I just replaced what the PO had let rot away and never really looked into going bigger.

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On my 2000 SF228, my freshwater pump access plate is where you put that large speaker, on the front of the port helm seat base. Is yours behind the speaker?
Same on mine. The 10" sub has about a 9" cut out needed to it replaced the pie-plate access cover. Now I'll have to take my speaker out to replace the pump. That was the only place I could find on the boat that was acceptable to me to put the sub. No issues so far. Very tight fit to get around all the fittings. FYI the Fusion has a smaller cutout needed than some subwoofers so it works.

Skar Audio Marine 6.5"
Skar Audio Marine 8"
Fusion 10" Sub - Flush mount (They didn't have the Flush version when I bought mine)

The slim low profile sub I had installed for a month, didn't compare to this one. Think I I'm done now haha. Not sure why it's so important to have a stereo on the boat but it is to me. BUT IT IS! I run an hour regularly to spots is my justification LOL

We got everyone spending $$$ now :)
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I installed a 10" JL sub woofer along the steps down into the cabin on the port side. Pulled the refrigerator to make the connections and install the single channel Fusion AM series 400-watt amp. Speakers are Fusion speakers with no additional amp. Speakers installed in original holes - 2 forward in cabin and 2 on either side of the helm. Fusion RA70 NSX (XM and NMEA 2000) DIN size head.

If I did it over I would go with the 6-channel Apollo Fusion amplifier and Apollo head unit. All JL audio speakers. Amplify all channels.

It’s not the loudest system but it works for me. It’s an easier install too.
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I wonder if that size woofer can fit in my 98 gulfstream in that area….
Ya look at the Fusion 10" it had the smallest cutout area of the 10"s I looked at.

BTW in my last boat I had a 12" in the cabin. Even with the door open it did not sound that good. But lots of room in there. Maybe if I had a bigger amp it would be fine. I noticed the Fusion likes a lot more watts than it says it does. Upgraded to a 1000w mono for it. Probably does 400 RMS.
Ya look at the Fusion 10" it had the smallest cutout area of the 10"s I looked at.

BTW in my last boat I had a 12" in the cabin. Even with the door open it did not sound that good. But lots of room in there. Maybe if I had a bigger amp it would be fine. I noticed the Fusion likes a lot more watts than it says it does. Upgraded to a 1000w mono for it. Probably does 400 RMS.
Thanks for the info- yeah right now I have my old 12inch sub/box from my teenager car audio years in the cabin of my gulfstream because it was sitting in my attic collecting dust. As you said- it actually sounds horrible, and I also don’t want to overload my kid’s ears when they are in the cabin. I’m removing it and going to install a 10 under the passenger seat if it fits.
I did this a few years ago. Went with the BW screen unit UD650 I believe from Fusion with the helm remote. I replaced the existing Kenwood speakers (2) 4" in the cabin and (2) 6" in the helm area with Fusion speakers. I added an amp along with (2) more 6" speakers in the cockpit. I thought I'd add a base unit but realized I don't need it. Having the speakers cut into the boat gives great sound.
A little off topic but when I got my boat I had the dealer upgrade the stereo system. He added a 10 inch sub woofer and a Apollo 2,000 watt amp, it’s load but it good when running offshore at speed.
It was mentioned earlier but I can’t say enough good things about the Skar audio speakers. Their CS is great too. You can buy about 3 pairs for what JL cost and you won’t notice the difference in sound…only in your wallet.
Just put a new system in my Gulfstream this past spring. below is what I bought. got it from www.creativeaudio.net good prices.
Connected it all to my Garmin screen via NMEA 2000 so I can control it on my touch screen. Go with the amp it sounds 10x better. If you want pics I can post. or if you have questions let me know.
Item #Description
MLC-RWJL Audio MLC-RW Marine LED Lighting Controller with WiFi
M400/4JL Audio M400/4: 4 Ch. Class D Full-Range Marine Amplifier 400 W
FusionBDL200825-02Fusion MS-RA70NSX Marine Radio System with MS-RA70DC Din Cage
C2-525xJL Audio C2-525x: 5.25-inch (130 mm) Coaxial Speaker System

JL Audio M3-650X-C-GW got 4 each of these and two JL car speakers in the cabin spoke to the guys at Crutchfield and they said the JL car spears would be fine in the cabin because they are not as exposed to the elements. good luck
What year is your gulfstream, I have a ‘07 and bought the same speakers as you. They won’t fit in the fish box inspection plates, I also scraped away all the insulating foam to the fiberglass, and still won’t sit flush.