vent window repair

Marine glass is still doing replacement. Just did by 265 vent window. Not cheap, but it is exact.
Very nice! Can't argue with the cost, either!

Just out of curiosity, I've heard local glass shops can cut flat glass relatively inexpensive. But I wonder how that price changes when using safety glass?

Want a buy a new tool? Get yourself a "step" drill bit. They are WONDERFUL for drilling into thin metal or things like what you did. They even deburr the edges for you!
I replaced one of my vent windows with safety glass 2 years ago and it was $150
Original windows are "school bus glass". Regular glass (not tempered) with plastic sheet in-between. Difficult to drill the hole for the pull so close to the edge. Acrylic (best choice) or Lexan polycarbonate is easy/cheap way to go. Use black silicone or maybe black 5200.

Tempering results in a harder glass. It has to be done in an expensive machine that only large glass manufacturing plants can afford. Smaller shops have to send it out. Problem is most shops don't want to be bothered with small jobs.

I patterned mine and sent them out to Peninsula Glass in Vancouver, WA for tempered glass. There was a minimum and a little pricey but it is the best choice. Only a little more to have 3 made - $46.60 each - have one left. This was in 2009.

Vent Window.png
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I'm glad I made this post because my brother just shattered the starboard side vent window. Luckily I still have the hinge and the T pull. The latch fell overboard.:confused:
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Mine was missing the T handle on one side when I bought the boat. Just a piece of plastic in there now. Would like to add the handle again to be able to open it. Have you sourced one of those before?
Mine was missing the T handle on one side when I bought the boat. Just a piece of plastic in there now. Would like to add the handle again to be able to open it. Have you sourced one of those before?
The T handle is part #30-179 and the D handle is # 30-329. I think that I have an old T handle part around here somewhere that I could probably sell you if interested.
They shattered into a billion pieces so there is no plastic sheet between.
My originals cracked and had the laminate in between. Local glass guy had the material but wouldn't drill the hole because it was too close to the edge.

I see another thread going where his window did explode into a billion pieces. That one is clearly tempered.
I'm going to try this in place of the D handle. $4.50 on amazon

Sea Dog 324140-1 Windshield Latch (Single Wing 1-9/16" L x 13/16" H x 5/16" Tab Lift),1 Pack​

Screen Shot 2023-07-10 at 10.36.17 AM.png
I'm going to try this in place of the D handle. $4.50 on amazon

Sea Dog 324140-1 Windshield Latch (Single Wing 1-9/16" L x 13/16" H x 5/16" Tab Lift),1 Pack​

View attachment 30459

This was not useable. Height ok but not long enough. I can't find an OEM "D" latch.

Window is back in without a latch for now. I can frankenstein one with a 1/4-20 bolt and piece of starboard but I'm going to think on it a while...
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Skunk, did you try the dealer? They should be able to get one.
D handle is # 30-329.
Is this it?
