Rule of thumb..If you can pick up the weather, your antenna and radio are working and you should be able to get ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore also.
1.) Make sure you dial your squelch knob so that you hear background noise. Turn it counter-clockwise until the noise appears, then back it off clockwise slightly until the noise JUST goes away. This allows you to pick up more transmissions.
2.) Run Channel 16/9/68/69. Those are generally the busiest channels. 16 is not as used as it once was since they designated #9 as the new hailing frequency a couple years ago.
3.) Try hailing someone and asking for a radio check on 9/68/69/71. Make sure you get a location of the person you hail to compute how far your radio is transmitting.
Keep in mind also that I'll go for long periods(30-45 minutes sometimes) without hearing another transmission.
Let us know what happens.