Voyager 248 Speed Question / 300hp


Active Member
Dec 23, 2019
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Hello All,

I'm currently rehabbing my 4th Grady - newly acquired earlier this year 1996 Yoyager 248.

I'm putting a 300hp on it - was wondering what types of max speed people have seen with this set up. Going to start with a standard 17P prop and see where the tach goes and adjust from there.

Boat is rated for 350hp - but I don't need that much I generally only cruise with my boats and very little time at WOT. But interested to see what to expect with this hull/model.

Thank you!
I have the same setup with a 250 Honda. WOT is 43mph depending on seas. You would probably hit 46 if I had to guess.
Thats interesting to hear thank you.
I have an older 1980’s 22 seafarer that I switched from an old carbureted 225hp over to a fuel injected 300, and its like night and day in terms of performance - propped the right way I can hit 50+ MPH which frankly is too fast for that hull.

45-50 with one of these boats is awfully fast and sort of not worth it unless its very calm waters, otherwise everything in the cuddy gets the hell beat out of it!
We had a bare bones 99 248. With a 225 ox66, it would hit 46 mph with a cupped 17m prop. With a 300, you should be able to hit 45-50 depending on options, engine, and overall set up.
Hey FA, thanks for the feedback! The motor Im installing is an ETEC 300 (Im a mechanic), and hearing your feedback as a fellow 2-stroke operator.

Those OS66 yamahas were the best motor they ever made snd thats coming from an OMC mechanic!

On a side note the 248 is the same boat as the 258 Journey introduced in 2005 and hasnt been given the credit it is long overdue for!
A follow up from my post earlier in the year. I was able to get the boat out 3 times at the end of the season to at least get a few trial runs, and begin going through the process of working out the kinks.

I hit the rev limiter on the motor at 6100 RPM with a stock 17P prop. Granted the fuel tanks (this one has the auxiliary tank too) only had a total of 36 gallons (end of season, I run my tanks out each year), but was able to hit 44MPH. The motor has a lot left to give and moving up to a 19P should give another few MPH.

I want to get the boat fully loaded with gear with the stock 17P to see what happens to RPMs before I start propping up, but the boat gets up on plane with ease. I would even say this hull gets on plane faster, despite weighing nearly 3000lbs more, than my 1986 seafarer 22 which has the same size motor on it (300hp). Obviously runs smoother with the SV2 design than the older 1986 hull.
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