This is a common problem.
Boat sits nose heavy in the water and all the water will collect in the front bilge.
Given you don't have anything in the water system leaking, this is what I found in mine.
Had my boat for a year now (2007 marlin) and it was bad at first.
Here is what if found. Cup holders and shower wand holder were loose.
Used boatlife caulk to clue them back in place.
Cup holders drain into bilge. In the process right now to make them drain onto the deck.
I got some of those small plastic drain fittings that you see near the helm seat.
Deck plates over the fuel tanks and splash well leaks. Very little sealant is used to bed them in place.
when you unscrew them and pull them up you will find they come up easily. Silicone will stay on the deck.
The clean white areas is were the seal was good. The dark dirty areas is were the water is getting in.
Reseal them GE almond color silicone II (bath and kitchen)
Also make sure o-ring is good and clean in the port plate.
Anchor locker drains into bilge. Anytime you bring in your wet rode, it will drain into the front bilge.
There is a molded in piece of PVC tubing that runs from the the anchor locker, past the bow thruster and
ends just behind the thruster bulkhead were it is imposable to get at.
Next winter I think I am going to cut into the tube and extend it back far enough to tie it into the shower sump.
The thing I found that made the biggest improvement when fixed was the windless.
I have the type that has the molded in mount over the rope looker with the small access door on the right.
If you have this, check that molded in gutter that runs around the hatch opening.
Grady cut into mine to make room for the windless motor to fit.
The water does not easily run down the sides and onto the deck. I found water would spill over the notch that they had cut into the channel.
Since the pulpit sits over the area that was notch and the water only runs into the right side, I took some boatlife chalk and formed a wall in the channel under the pulpit to keep the water from running under the pulpit.
We had some major rain storms over the past few weeks and I have about maybe a half gallon of water sitting forward of the sump pump. After one rainy day I used to vacuum out about 5 gallons.
Good luck.