water proof covers VS shrink wrap

500$ is the cost for a shrink-wrap film per boat, not a full cover in tarp or similar.
Thats why I was looking for alternative sources to shrink wrap boats.
I think I will leave the boat 11,5 month wet slipped as I can use it also in winter time here,
so with a new GRP boat shrink wrapping would be obsolete for me.

Ah, gotcha. Understood and agree. $500 for a 30' boat is a very good price over here! But, yes, it would be a waste considering your use.

Here's an idea that I woud consider if I was in your boat :)

-- Install slide-in tracking around the underside/perimeter of your hardtop. Then have a cover made that slides into that tracking and goes over the rubrail like a full cover. Have cutouts made for your cleats and a large zipper door for easy access. In the hem of the cover, put a nylon strap with a ratchet strap (possibly two, in convenient spots). That will actually end up being pretty easy to put up and down. It would be an investment - but might be well worth it.
I just SW every year. Agree it is costly but never had an issue and everyone seems to do it here.