Weekend plan anyone?

Okay, founf the terminators. All electronics are workibg except the old vhf, but have not wired that yet. Will do so in a few after all updates are done.

Made progress today!;)

Thank you all for the help.

Disconnected the old wiring harness for the vhf. I figured a way to use rafter ties to fashion a mounting bracket.

I noticed a couple disconnected wires that go to the 12-pin on the back of the Garmin plotter. I assume that goes to a transducer. I cannot, for the life of me, see where they plug into. One is a blue wire, the other is the power. Not sure they need it if they are plugged into the plotter, and I do not see any open power "plugs" on the panel.

Trying to figure out what transducer it is so I can figure out what the heck manual and wiring diagram goes to it.

Brakes are all bled so boat road test will happen once my arm stops hurting;)