What is avg mpg


New Member
Aug 22, 2019
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Express 330
What is everyone’s mpg? Curious what I might get on my 03 330 with Yamaha f300s
You wont get that from Grady since that year hull is rated at 500 HP max.
Check out the performance bulletins: https://www.gradywhite.com/models/express-cabins/express-330/ The hulls have not changed significantly since then and Grady uses statute miles, versus nautical to make it look better. Expect 1.0 NMPG at 20-25 kts in calm seas, maybe a little better with the 300s. My experience with 250s.
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Yes , I have 2005 marlin with new 300's 33 kts = 33 GPH LOL easy math , hair better then one , 300 gallons of fuel , lots of gear ! generator, water diesel,2 people
2004 Express w/Custom tower:
New Yammy 300's
Still messing with props:

pT 20200111
Open water
4 blades: 15 -1/4 x 14
Trimmed up 3, no tabs

3900, 19.1 Kts, 1.1 mpg
4000 , 22.8 Kts, 1.1 mpg
4400, 23.5kts, 1.0 mpg
4500 24.7kts, 0.9mpg
4600, 25.2kts, 0.9 mpg
4700 27.5 k, 0.8mpg
5000 28.0kts, 0.8mpg
5300 , 0.7mpg
5400 kts, 0.7mpg
58/5900 WOT
sounds right. The marlin loaded is 1.2
I generally see 1.5 -1.7 MPG at 3800 at 30 MPH on my 265 Express with twin 200 HPDIs...