what is it about GW clubs?


GreatGrady Captain
Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
There are a lot of us GW owners out there but other than a few, select areas of the country, getting a club together seems to be a real challenge!

Anyone have any thoughts on why this is, why its so difficult to get owners together to spend time on the water and have fun as a group? In the area I live in, we have dozens of GW owners but the dealer - now defunct - never invested or tried to get folks together. As a result, I see lots of GWs on the water but have no clue who they are, where they live or what they do.

Raft ups or fishing trips or GW tournaments just never happen. We have all invested lots of $$ in a really high quality product, how do we get more ROI out of our boats?
Where in FL are you located? There are 2 really active clubs in SW Florida: Tarpon Coast and Fish Tales. I think it helps to have strong dealer support.
Because GW owners are kinda snooty :lol: Seriously though, we started the Tidewater Grady White Club ~ 2 years ago and the first event that was sponsored by GW was very well attended. Of course it involved free food and drink and some really nice door prizes!

Since that time, despite some really fun events on the calendar, we typically only have about 20-30% membership participation (usually the same ones).

I wish I knew why that was. I don't understand why you would pay annual dues and then not enjoy the benefits.

I've thought about starting my own club called the "Do Nothing Boat Club". You send me your annual dues, we will not have a schedule of events and I'll just spend the money. :wink:
Can you join the Do Nothing Boat Club (aka, DNBC Inc) without paying, or is $$ required?

I feel sometimes like clubs are like a gym, you need to get members but hope they never show up? I wish I understood, really do, but people spend $100K or $200K or more, but no one wants to get together and do anything?

Our original dealer - who I have nothing to do with anymore, lots of reasons that we won't waste oxygen on - went the SeaRay route, 150% of their time and $$ was on SeaRay and their annual raft up events, cruises, etc. GW was at the bottom of the pile, and while we spent substantial $$ with them, well, GW was not a SeaRay so no one would do anything to further the GW club development.

We have tried multiple times, much at my personal expense, to get folks together, but no one seems interested. Would love to hear if anyone has any magic but darn if I do.....
Making it Happen!

Just breaking the ice and talking is always a good start. Look forward to hearing from fellow Grady folks in the Florida Panhandle, Georgia and Alabama. I am certain that we can make a little something happen! 8)
sel1005 I live in south Ga. and Im not in any GW club but could be intrested joining one! You never stated what part of Fl. you live.
Hey Captain!

This is the fellow that I mentioned previously with the bigger Grady. He is from Destin and might be interested in meeting us in Appalach sometime. Glad to see you! 8)
sel1005, You can take a look at our club, The Gulfstream Grady Group. The club has has over 40 members in and around Palm Beach County, FL. We also have a few members from central Florida that join us for our local events along with our trips to the Bahamas and else where. We started the club a little over two years ago and we continue to grow with new members. Take a look at our website for more information - www.gulfstreamgradygroup.com Also come down to the All American Grady Fest at Fish Tale in Ft. Myers, FL this March to meet other clubs and their members all around the U.S. Happy Holidays and Hapy New Year!!
We have started the "Lone Star Grady White Club" in Houston just last year. We have tried to figure ways to get Grady owners together. We just elected new officers tonight and are hoping to help the club grow this year. Just found out about this forum and hope we can get some ideas that have worked.

We just launched the Northeast Grady White Club for Northern Mass/Southern NH and Maine.

May be good to touch base.

We are 42 boats strong at the onset.

Good luck to you.

Northeast Grady-White Club
David, we are trying to reach out and provide the opportunity for us to use our boats and learn more about our boats and the waters here in the Galveston Bay region. If you know of some good club type activities we are open to ideas.