What's This? A New 30ft Walk-Thru?

Go figure - a 27 and now a 30' bowrider and they sell well. I must admit, I feel like an old man.

The line appears to be getting softer everyday to me. Does the motorized seat have vibration, massage and heat? Is that a pool boy flag I see attached to it? Rumor has it the head is now called the powder room and there a dispenser in it for sanitary items?

Next they will be offering pink as a hull color...
You guys are too anal or is it too serius, gotta laugh at this stuff too (i forgot how to spell serious due to that satelite radio company, I used to know before they came along)

You should see me in action with salesmen, be it car or boat. I can bring the best of them to their knees. Some of them see me as a challenge and step up the campaign (advanced tactics chapter), it never works. I let them have the last word so I can get out of there, otherwise I'd be going at it all day with the guy.

I remember the guy at BW who wouldn't give me a catalog unless I "sat down" (and answered some questions), so I wipped out a $5 bill and said will this cover it instead ? Guy didn't know what to say. He knew I had a Grady Sailfish, quarter million dollar Conquest I was looking at on top of it, not the 13 footer, unbelievable, even if I was looking at the 13 footer at the price of their boats.
Bob P needs to find another site. This is really a discussion site for those who love Gradys. State your case and then leave. No use in harping on it because it's obvious Grady is listening to other people. Bob, you've got a 1992 boat and you even repowered with 2 strokes. I hardly consider your thinking progressive or even modern.

I could sympathize with your complaint if the were "sissying up" all their models but to single out one or two new models that are creating a new niche and saying Grady has lost their focus is pretty nearsighted. Ever seen a 180, 208, 209, 226, 228G, 222, 232, 258, 257, 290, 300, 305, 306, 330, 336, or 360? Some of these were even being made last time you bought a Grady.
Let's keep it civil, folks. I always enjoy BobP's comments, even those I disagree with. While the site is for GW enthusiasts, there is certainly room for *constructive* criticism. I for one offered critique of the 305 when it was released with many others joining in an enjoyable discussion.

Our friend Jimmy was banned from the site not for his criticisms of GW but his controntational manner and attitude. I politely ask everyone to keep the friendly spirit of discussion in mind when posting.

As for the topic, I really don't see a change in GW philosophy. They have always been leading edge for offering amenities while still producing a solid fishing platform. I believe the reason we see so many new features in the past few years is due to technology. A short list of innovations driven from technology includes diesel genset, MP3 and sat radio support, freezer plates, motorized seating, tv/dvd, fold down bench, etc. It does not seem to me GW has moved from fishing boats to family boats but rather is taking advantage of new possibilities while providing what customers WANT. It is hard to find fault with such a direction.

Obviously the 275 and 307 are balanced more toward family use but the 305 is in the middle, and the 290, 300, 336 are serious fishing machines.

I got tired of arguing with folks on THT who suggest everyone should own a Reg, Contender, Albemarle, whatever. There are many choices in boats which is a *good* thing for consumers.

Perhaps someone will start a pinned thread of ideas and wishlist items for future models. These could be fish, cruise, family, anything. At the top of my list is helm deck a/c for the Marlin. Behind that is a dedicated house deep cycle battery bank. Any of the mods care to start a pinned thread for this?
moklodge said:
Bob P needs to find another site. This is really a discussion site for those who love Gradys. State your case and then leave. No use in harping on it because it's obvious Grady is listening to other people. Bob, you've got a 1992 boat and you even repowered with 2 strokes. I hardly consider your thinking progressive or even modern.

I could sympathize with your complaint if the were "sissying up" all their models but to single out one or two new models that are creating a new niche and saying Grady has lost their focus is pretty nearsighted. Ever seen a 180, 208, 209, 226, 228G, 222, 232, 258, 257, 290, 300, 305, 306, 330, 336, or 360? Some of these were even being made last time you bought a Grady.

I don't always agree with Bob but just because you love Gradys it doesn't mean your blind or have a difference of opinion. Bob has a 1992 Sailfish, it's not recommended to put on many 4 strokes. Are you willing to buy him a newer boat? HPDI's are sometimes more efficient that 4 strokes. "Modern" is not always better.

You have to admit it's ballsey for Grady to bust into an established market and compete with other manufacturers who have been building that style for decades at a time where money is tight.
If you only have one side of the equation, then you really don't have all the input to make a good decision. While this is a little humorous compared to the typical thread and I don't always agree with Bob - I like getting a different perspective. Personally, I could care what year or boat anyone has. I consider anyone that has a boat to be a lucky person.
Bob is ok with me.
I think we're all nuts. How else can we explain our willingness to spend the money we spend on these things? I think we're all into different kinds of features, probably because we use these boats in so many different settings. There be the waterfront property owners, cruisers, trailer folks, and so on. When I was young, I used to fish a lot. Now I take people out for rides and try to keep them comfortable. I have more money and time, but I have to look ahead to retirement as well. Things change.

When I first saw the 307, I called up my buddy and told him about this great new boat. He looked it over, pronouncing it the "worst designed thing he ever saw". He's nuts. I'm right, and he's wrong.

That's the fun of this boating thing, and that's the fun of this site. We gotta stick together. I just try to get through my working day. The opinions and thoughts here help out a lot. Thanks.
MegaB, I caught you over on the other 307dc subject -
Mok, no question you "love" these Gradys.

Since May15th, you posted 9 times, 8 of which were defensive against anyone who made a comment that was not along the lines of 'best boat I ever owned period".
I don't love material things, nor believe in materialism. I recall seeing the word "enthusiasts" in banner, where is the word "love"?

By all means if you want me gone:

a. gain support and appeal to administrators, or

b. have "Enthusiasts" changed to "Love", (I'd be done in an F350 minute), or
c. have rules changed to limit posts to twice a week , or whatever, that ought to shut me up real good!

Time to burst the bubble, here it comes, last chance to key out ,

too late -

I guess you believe the creation you owned called a Grady is here today at all due to the creative ideas and forsight of Grady HQ,

So why is Grady here today still and the product it is? I'm sure you can name one person alive or past associated with Gradys who is smarter than BobP on boat things. But can you name one person who is smarter than any three of us here on this site who think of ideas and ways to make our (fishing) boats more accomodating, even fabricate such items ourselves, and from myself who has been on boats fishing since knee high for close to 50 yrs?

How about thier top designer, is he better than three of us. It just ain't so.

That's right, Grady has one person (ok, two) after all these years still in charge who were wise enough not to let their egos close their ears, or get lazy and let their designers rule the day.

So you picked the Grady, and squash criticisms here?, the same criticisms that is the basis of design, features, and level of quality changes over the years to produce what you currently enjoy and defend! So this means people like me, not you or Grady, created what you choose to buy and enjoy.

Gut wrenching, ain't it?

This one's going to be mind blowing, so you better tune out now - it gets worse.

For all the posts I've made here, and you say I should'd be here, do you, Moke, believe it is possible for BobP to be indirectly responsible, for more Gradys sold, used and new, and more yamaha motors sold both 4 and 2 stoke, than some Grady and Yamaha salesmen ?

This last one will take some time to digest. yep, it's hard to swallow, but you can do it.
I'm not sure which part NEM is in agreement with but I assume everyone realizes I was defending Bob's right to critique.

The reason I mentioned Jimmy is because he was an example of how NOT to discuss boats without offending lots of folks. Bob OTOH always presents his thoughts in a civil and non-controntational manner. That was my point. I hope it was clear.
We're doing great thanks. I would sure hate to have Megabytes docked in Tx. That place is getting hammered. Check out CNN home page.

I had a few issues over the summer which my dealer and GW addressed in typical fashion. Nothing major and zero cost or inconvenience to me. My boat will be 5 in Nov but they still treat me great. I noticed a long gouge near the frontmost intake recently and emailed my contact at the dealer. With no questions asked they had it repaired at their cost. It appeared to have been caused by loading on/off a trailer as there is not any means to cause this at our marina. It likely happened when they repaired my cabin liner.

After 5 years I still love the boat. I had some dislikes of my 272 after a few years and was ready to move but not so with the 300. I hope I feel the same about the next incarnation of the 300.

Fishing season will be starting up again soon after the doldrums. I hope to hit the Fall wahoo run in the stream and live bait kings near shore. Any good trips for you recently? Send the tuna back down when you are done. :lol:
So we can all agree to disagree, and every idea no matter crazy or contrary to another's gets heard.

Haven't we been doing that (?).

I was musing today on the commuter train about being added to the banned list as No. 2 . What a motley two man crew we would be, and probably never agree on whose boat to take out fishing !

I made no secret that I'm more of a classic Grady guy, so when the "Classic Great Grady" site appears, color me gone.

Less than 25 ft, the boats have been essentially the same, from 25 ft and up, my interest, the beginning of the end was 1994, and the most recent hammer blow with the RIP Sailfish in favor of the 290.

It's ok that Grady doesn't market boats any longer to the likes of people like me, doesn't bother me one bit. Dissapponted, yes. My policy is to reward manufacturers with repeat business based on experience, what I have, one heck of a 25ft ft boat, the 252. And before it, the 204C was incredible - the longer I owned it, the more impressed I was with it's capabilities for just 20 feet of boat.

Next time out on my 252, weather permitting this weekend, I'll be celebrating (while fishing) the end of the 30 yr old legend Sailfish that is responsibile IMHO for creating and sustaining an entire industry of copycats, and everything Grady makes bigger and bigger, a twin OB powered wide beam offshore capable fishing machine. What a boat it (was).
Hey, don't throw rocks or nothin' but, isn't that a beautiful Albin next to NOTHING ELSE MATTERS? That sure is a nice boat.

I wouldn't want it as it has no 57" HDTV monitor and drink mixer.
timmons said:
Hey, don't throw rocks or nothin' but, isn't that a beautiful Albin next to NOTHING ELSE MATTERS? That sure is a nice boat.

I wouldn't want it as it has no 57" HDTV monitor and drink mixer.

Yeah, that's an Albin, what don't like about that model is the rear "bedroom", there is a huge room back there, other than that, that boat has a single diesel with bow thruster and she is really good in the water. Another thing is no speed, but burns heck of a lot less than mine.
megabytes said:
Perhaps someone will start a pinned thread of ideas and wishlist items for future models. These could be fish, cruise, family, anything. Any of the mods care to start a pinned thread for this?

Great suggestion MB! I think that many of us have some worthwhile ideas that we talk about here but that G-W/NC probably never sees. A pinned thread with well thought out suggestions (not a Complaint Dept!) might be great for the company and ultimately for us....