Windlass Lewmar V700 to a Pro Fish 700


Apr 30, 2018
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I have a 2007 306 Bimini and the original windlass crapped out on me. The recommended replacement is a Lewmar V700 but this model does not have a free fall option. The Lewmar Pro Fish 700 has the free fall option but is a larger unit and I’m not sure if it will fit in the anchor locker. Has anybody installed this in their bimini/anchor locker or know of a free fall windlass that does fit?
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The Profish is a horizontal and the V700 is a vertical, right? The hole through the deck will most likely have to be slightly relocated. Either re-building the deck core and then recutting, or just using a cover plate such as 3/4" HDPE. Other than that, check the amp draw of each unit. If the new one has a larger draw, then you may need to rewire the main wires (larger diameter) to avoid popping fuses or burning the wires. Other than that, it's pretty straight forward. FYI... check out Good Windlasses out of NJ. Not the prettiest - but they make excellent windlasses and have great customer support and service/rebuilding.
Yes the ProFish is horizontal, I’m going to measure tonight to see if it will fit. The draw is very similar and shouldn’t have to be re-wired. If it doesn’t fit I will go with the V700 and manually release it when having to anchor on a small piece.
After measuring my anchor locker I realize the Profish 700 will not work. I came across the V1 which is a vertical free fall windlass made by Lewmar. It looks like this unit will fit in the locker.
The V700 fits where the original sprint 600 was mounted but one of the through bolts holes will have to be re drilled. It is not an exact replacement, but it’s close. The reason I’m hesitant to go ahead is that the V700 is not a free fall.
What year and model boat?

Ah, the one in my signature. 2002 Islander 270. Here are two photos of the installation, plus one of the pulpit after I modified it last year to a thru-pulpit anchor mount.


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