Wiring in GW 235 - neat or tangled?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2022
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I was wondering how are other owners of GW235 freedoms have their wiring at the helm, particularly on newer models. Do you have clean, labelled, layout strapped down wiring in the helm for NMEA2K, radar, stereo, etc. or is it tangled and you have to spend time tracing wires/cables? Didn't expect that the wiring would be so tangled without labelling. If you have pics please show. If you have pics of neatly laid out electrical wiring in your GW235 freedom or other freedoms, please share. I'm trying to get a sense of what I should attempt. I may try to work on the electrical wiring so that it has a cleaner layout that is labelled so I can easily find wires when I need to do some work. Thanks.
I have a new 235 on order and am curious about the wiring as well.
Some of the messy wiring you've described might have been done by the dealer installing the electronics.
Could you please post pictures?
Regards, Mike
Tried several times to send pic, but file is too large. To give a mental image, as in an ole saying ----- "looks like a rat's nest". ;)
The wiring in my 2012 Freedon 255 is very neat, but I don't know what the newer ones look like.
The wiring in my 2012 Freedon 255 is very neat, but I don't know what the newer ones look like.
No doubt the neatness of the hidden wiring varies as the factory production managers are changed and the production pressure on the final prep crew increases seasonally.
I appreciate neatness in the under-helm wiring but actually as long as there is no excess weight on connections and no loose wires that are moving back and forth during travel, the electricity doesn't care if it is messy. However, me being the guy trying to trace a particular circuit makes me take a dim view of the installer building those giant birds nests.
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Yes, I do appreciate neatness under the helm as well. For me, I want to cut down the time of having to trace down wires if adding or updating equipment. It is not like I'm doing a lot of of it, but it would sure cut down on time when things are labelled and neatly installed.

If anyone has any pics of their wiring under the helm, please post. It would be appreciated for the view as I am thinking of my setup. Thanks.
You'd think there would have been a serious improvement project in this area, but just like the transom seams - nope.
The wiring on my 2011 255 is a rats nest. In their defense, there really is no bulkhead in the console like the inside of a center console to mount the wires in a neat and uniform fashion. So they bundle them with zip ties.