On my 265 Express the cabin sink and shower drain into a resevoir that is emptied by its own pump w/ float -
It is not working and I am having trouble diagnosing the problem - I am 100% sure that the float switch is working AND the the pump works (removed pump and connected to 12V - used a mutlimeter on float switch).
I just cant figure out how this this is wired - two thinner wires (maybe 18 gauge to the float switch) both black -
To the pump is a one brown (hot) and one black for negative - both probally 14 gauge-
I expected the float switch to be in series with the pump on the hot side, but it is not -
Any ideas on were to go - Checked all fuses on that main fuse panel and they are good -
According the Grady diagram the fresh water pump and other forward bildge pump are wired together according to the one line diagrams - and they both work fine?
Any input would be great - including and explanation of how the float switch works (I am assuming that there is a relay somewere?
It is not working and I am having trouble diagnosing the problem - I am 100% sure that the float switch is working AND the the pump works (removed pump and connected to 12V - used a mutlimeter on float switch).
I just cant figure out how this this is wired - two thinner wires (maybe 18 gauge to the float switch) both black -
To the pump is a one brown (hot) and one black for negative - both probally 14 gauge-
I expected the float switch to be in series with the pump on the hot side, but it is not -
Any ideas on were to go - Checked all fuses on that main fuse panel and they are good -
According the Grady diagram the fresh water pump and other forward bildge pump are wired together according to the one line diagrams - and they both work fine?
Any input would be great - including and explanation of how the float switch works (I am assuming that there is a relay somewere?