WTB. 99 300 marlin transom seat


Mar 19, 2024
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
I am in need of the transom seat for a 300 marlin I believe 97 to 2003 are the same.
Back reat and seat cushion. I removed them to go get reupholstered, I put them in the back of my truck and truck was stolen with the seats in the back.


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That sucks. I'd either have them made again - any decent marine guy will come down and measure if they don't have the measurements already. Another option is to make yourself, but you have to have the sewing machine and some skills. I bought the sail thread and materials from fabric warehouse on the net, amazon for foam. I used my originals for patterning (you have to make out of paper or cardboard. The bolsters are easy, cushions a bit more tricky and the companion seat was most difficult.
Prob not that bad to have a marine upholster to bang em out. Only 2 pieces.
Yes, sucks big time. 2002 f250 with a 7.3l diesel. 320k miles, still ran like a champ, even though insurance will cover it but not what was in it.
I've looked for the seat in many places, but non to be found. I have a guy to do the upholstery, but he's not confident in making the backer board since it is formed and has to be precise if not it won't fit right. I'm going to attempt it myself and have him do the rest, does anyone know what material that is? I'm going to try to make it out of hdpe, just heat and bend, hopefully.