WTB GradyWhite 290 Cheasapeake-

Wondering if the express handles the wind differently than the CC...

Do you find that the wind catches you at all?
For what it's worth, I have a Marlin that I trailer and I solo launch and retrieve 95% of the time. It makes things easier to have help but it is absolutely manageable. I've only had small issues when docking in heavy wind or current solo but if you just practice and take your time again very manageable. I don't have a bow thruster either. Good luck with your purchase.
For what it's worth, I have a Marlin that I trailer and I solo launch and retrieve 95% of the time. It makes things easier to have help but it is absolutely manageable. I've only had small issues when docking in heavy wind or current solo but if you just practice and take your time again very manageable. I don't have a bow thruster either. Good luck with your purchase.
For what it's worth, I have a Marlin that I trailer and I solo launch and retrieve 95% of the time. It makes things easier to have help but it is absolutely manageable. I've only had small issues when docking in heavy wind or current solo but if you just practice and take your time again very manageable. I don't have a bow thruster either. Good luck with your purchase.
Good! Thank you for your input
Not so sure I'd go this route. That model wasn't around long enough for me and it was a mod to the 282 trying to fill in below the Marlin. If you really want one, make sure you talk with as many owners as possible to get the skinny on the boat. I had a 282 and the helm was a bit tight. The Marlin is better but not perfect and that boat is in between.
Not so sure I'd go this route. That model wasn't around long enough for me and it was a mod to the 282 trying to fill in below the Marlin. If you really want one, make sure you talk with as many owners as possible to get the skinny on the boat. I had a 282 and the helm was a bit tight. The Marlin is better but not perfect and that boat is in between.
Ok will due, no perfect boat for sure, compromises with them all-thx
No Sweat !! A bow thruster should make you look like a pro !!

Quick story though ... we were fueling up one afternoon at the dock when some guys came in with a brand new triple outboard Whaler with bow thruster. He was all over the place trying to lay it against the fuel dock (not a slip) he had one motor out of commission but still had 2 motors and a thruster when he yelled out for someone to throw him a line because he had a motor down. WTF you gotta be kidding me. Moral of the story is get some practice in beforehand and be able to handle the situation without the thruster. The addition of the thruster will be a great asset when the wind gets up but you should be confident enough to dock the boat without using it by yourself.
Pat is correct.

A bow thruster is designed to assist you in difficult wind/ current docking scenarios.

It is not meant to be a crutch for bad piloting.

What if it trips a breaker and stops working? You still have to dock the boat. All it takes is practice helm time.

A note on the 350’s.
I have a 2018 300 Marlin with same year 350 “C”Series. All the troubles are fixed except for the flywheel replacement cycle, which is done free of charge by Yamaha at an authorized dealer.
I can go into the details of the flywheel scenario if needed. Meanwhile, these 2018 350’s are without question the finest outboardsI have ever owned in my life. If Yamaha still made them, I’d by another pair if needed. They are a perfect combo for the Marlin hull.
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