Are you looking for Grady White specific rod holders or what exactly are you looking for? If you are, they do have them for sale on Amazon, eBay and a few other places, though not cheap at $110 a pop. If you're not looking for GW specific rod holders, there are quite literally about a million different options out there.
Thanks, my initial post was probably not clear. Looking for a set someone has in their garage after upgrading or replacing. Don't care about brand. As long as they are functional, I don't care about shiny.
Can't justify the new price of them for this project, and after a repower, my wallet is on a diet!
There are a million different options on Amazon, and the ones Glacier mentioned are also on there as well. You can get cheap plastic ones for a couple bucks a piece on up to stainless steel for around $10 a piece. And unless someone is local to you, you'll probably spend a good deal on shipping as opposed to just buying on Amazon or elsewhere online, and getting free shipping.